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Chapter 01. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

You woke up abruptly, looking around the room, sharing quick glances with Zenitsu as he refused to take his medicine. "L/N-Chan! Please get these girls away from me!! They're trying to poison me!" You rolled your eyes at him.

You were still half-asleep but you slowly stood up, trying to comprehend what was happening. Aoi turned her attention to you, "Miss L/N, Lady Kocho has requested that you start rehabilitation training sometime today." Tanjiro stared at Aoi, it was obvious he was curious to know what you would be doing. "She'll give details later, just please wait here for three little girls to escort you there."

"Hey, what's rehabilitation training?" Tanjiro curiously looked over to Aoi, expecting a response. "It basically helps you regain your skills and strengthen them during the process, I'm not sure L/N needs it, but it would be good if she got some more training after that incident on the mountain." Tanjiro was clearly interested. "Oh, cool. I'm guessing we'll also be starting that soon too!" 

He turned to you. "And L/N-San, I have a question for you, is that alright?" You lightly nodded. "How old are you? You look as old as the rest of the Hashiras', while us three are all about 15 or 16." You were slightly taken aback, and you didn't know whether or not to be offended. You looked at him, and from the look on his face, you could tell he didn't mean any offense. You shrugged it off and answered him, "I'm 20 years old, the mountain was my third mission. I'm fairly new, but I've been told that I could be Hashira worthy some day." That was your subtle way of bragging, not so subtle but Tanjiro was mighty impressed.

Tanjiro looked at you, but you couldn't read his expression. "Well, good luck with rehabilitation training, L/N-San! I'm sure it'll be a great opportunity for you to strengthen your skills! But be sure of this, I won't fall behind you!" He gave you a bright smile and took his medicine. "Hey! WhY dOeS TaNjIrO hAvE sUcH gOoD mEdIcInE?! WhAt Do YoU hAvE aGaInSt Me, HuH?!!" Zenitsu kept on whining to Aoi about his medicine. That went on all morning.

. . .

A knock at the door rung throughout the room. You walked over and opened it slightly, you didn't see anyone until you looked down. "Hello. Are you Miss L/N?" Three bright girls gave you big smiles as they all spoke in unison. You responded with a head nod. They immediately grabbed your arms and dragged you all the way over to the rehabilitation training building. You knew this was going to be a long day.

They went through what you were going to be doing all day, and so the day began. Stretching was no problem for you as you were already pretty flexible. Reflexes against Aoi were no problem, but with Kanao, it was more like an ongoing battle that flared until Aoi stepped in and said 'it had been going on for too long'. With the last part of training, you and Kanao were neck and neck, both resilient and vigorous, both intelligent and keen. In the end, neither of you were winners or losers. It ended in a tie. 

You were just about to leave and give them your appreciation for the good training, that's when you noticed someone watching from the edge of the doorway. The person noticed they were caught, and ran off immediately. Your impulse and curiosity caused for you to start running after them urgently.

~Y/N~ Could it be Lady Kocho? No, she wouldn't have ran away, she would've welcomed herself in. What about Tanjiro? He seemed pretty interested. No, he wouldn't, more like he can't, he can barely get out of bed, and I won't even regard Zenitsu and boar-face. Who could it be?

 You sped up your pace, only to realize you had lost them. You looked around, only to find Tomioka with his back faced to you, lightly panting, but you didn't notice that. "Tomioka." He quickly turned around.

~Giyū~ Don't tell me she saw me. Crap. What would I say if she called me out on it? Damnit, what the hell was I thinking?

"Tomioka, can I ask you a question?" Shit. "Did you see anyone run out of here? I swear I saw someone staring at me through the doorway." He sighed in deep relief. "Oh, uh no. I-I didn't." Something about his reactions to seeing you set you off.

~Y/N~ Was he the one staring at me? Why would he do that? Did he want to make sure everything was okay? That'd be pointless, I'm in rehabilitation training, I obviously would be sore, but not injured.

"Were you the one watching me?" You looked at him, he stared at you in shock. "I-" He was cut off by the three girls yelling your name, "Miss L/N! Miss L/N!" 

~Giyū~ Oh thank god. That couldn't have been better timing for me. 

"I have to go now." He spoke so quietly, as if he would rather stay quite but knew he had to say something. Then he dashed off. "Is something wrong, Miss L/N? Why'd you run off?" The three girls looked at you worriedly, but you reassured them nothing was wrong. "So you ran off without a reason? That's weird." They were so blunt that it was actually scary.

. . .

You were back at the "Most Awful Medicine Room EVER", as quoted by Zenitsu. Tanjiro looked at you with curiosity. "Welcome back, L/N-San! How was training?" You looked at him tiredly, that back-to-back training with Kanao was exhausting. "It was tiring, Kanao is pretty skilled." You continued, "But it was pretty entertaining in a sense, I had something to do." Tanjiro didn't seem excited, more so intimidated. Zenitsu was refusing to take his medicine AGAIN, and Inosuke was being a sad-boar.

"Hey Inosuke." You walked over to him. "Y'know training was pretty tough today, I doubt you'd ever be able to go up against Kanao like I did." This pissed him off. "ARE YOU CHALLENGING ME? I'LL TAKE YOU DOWN RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! FIGHT ME!"

~Giyū~ Third-person Limited POV

Giyū was wandering around the neighborhood, trying to clear his thoughts, but doing a horrible job.

I can't believe I was actually watching her train. What the hell was going through my mind? What does she think of me? As some kind of weirdo probably, she's a smart woman, even without me telling her she would've figured out that it was me who was watching her. Why did I do that? Damnit.

Giyū was cut off by the sound of Inosuke yelling "FIGHT ME" over and over again. He ran towards the Butterfly Estate, to be caught in the middle of Y/N teasing Inosuke. All the while hyping him up and heightening his fighting spirit. She turned her attention to Giyū. She smirked. "Well helloooo Tomioka. Nice seeing you here, but you still haven't answered my question from earlier." She teased him as he grew a light shade of pink.

She's teasing me? I thought for sure she would be awkward around me. Should I apologize?

Little did Giyū know that Y/N was staring at him, stifling her laughs.

~Y/N~ First-person / Third-person Limited POV

Oh my god, is he really overthinking this? Poor baby. But regardless, he looks pretty damn good even when he's overthinking. Oh god why is that the only thing on my mind?

I walked over to him with a smile on my face and put a hand on his shoulder. It obviously caught him off-guard. "Y'know, whether or not that was you watching, it doesn't really matter. It's not a big deal, no one else seemed to notice you." I gave him one of my biggest smiles, I didn't want him to think about it anymore, even though it was kind of funny and flattering all at once.

That seemed to calm him down and give him a wave of relief. "That's good to hear." His cheeks turned pink. He's obviously still a little embarrassed. I'll ask him why he did that later. 

. . .


Giyū had left soon after Inosuke had calmed down, that left you and the rest of the boys. You went to bed, but the moonlight left you awake. You heard some rustling bushes and birds chirping. Thoughts were running through your mind, you knew the next day was going to be just as exhausting as today had been.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz