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wowowoowow the story is finished! did you guys like it? i had a lot of fun writing it and i'm aware that it probably wasn't very good cause it was my first book. but anyways, i plan to write many more stories in the future.

i also can't write romance for shit, so i hope the ending was good enough. i lowkey hated the ending and i think it could've been much better, but whatever, it is what it is.

anyways my next story will be out soon, it's probably going to be longer, and it'll be a bit more angsty than this one.

thank you again to anyone who reads this, i appreciate you and i love you!


ps- i will be writing and posting a bonus chapter later today for fun, it won't be part of my next book or anything, it's just because i kind of brushed off jisung's whole confession side plot thing. again, it's not a continuation or teaser for my next book. but you can leave the rest of it up to your imagination!

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