Chapter 5

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  After the stormy ordeal, Moana decided that she would no more take their voyage lightly.  It was MUCH more dangerous than she had concluded.  She stood shaking like a palm frond in the wind.
  "That"  She stuttered.  "I!" She cheered.  She then began whooping.  "I FEEL SO ALIVE!"
  "Keep it down!  There are ears everywhere!" Maui hissed.  But it was too late.  Bubbles rose in tendrils on the right side of the vessel.  Red eyes appeared, and a 50-foot wide head emerged from the water. 
A sea serpent!
  Moana took the helm before Maui could move a muscle.  She hollered for Ocean, and the water obeyed.  It was stopped short by the monster's massive flipper.  They were on their own. 
  "Prepare for battle!" Maui yelled.  He grabbed his hook and changed into a giant hawk once more, teasing the behemoth.  Moana silently sailed around it.  The serpent's eyes shifted to the canoe. 
  "OCEAN!" Moana screamed desperately. "HEEELP!"  The serpent opened his mouth the gobble her up, but before he could, Maui began to peck the beast's head. The boat jerked, and Moana howled in terror, thinking it was the monster. Ocean made a playful but urgent noise.
It propelled the boat past the serpent and out of danger. Maui quickly bailed, following the girl and the water. Night fell on the sea.
"Only 8 days left!" Maui concluded, landing on the boat and transforming back into human form. We gotta get to Anaha and save your Pops! No more lollygagging!"
"What's the fastest way?" Moana asked.
"There's a current. It will take 7 days off the journey."
"Great! Where is it?"
"Straight ahead, but there's one rule."
"HOLD ON!" Maui bellowed as the boat jerked once more, catching the current. Moana held tight onto Maui's shoulder as the canoe sped across the sea at full throttle. She giggled with glee.
"We're reaching record speed!" She marveled. "Thanks!"
Maui then did something surprising—he held Moana's hand!
"Another thing, Moana: I love you. Always had, always will!"
Time stopped after he uttered those words.
"H-how long?" Was all she could ask.
"Oh, since I saw your birth." Moana giggled again.
"Did the sirens do this to you?"

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