0.8(The Injury)

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Are you ok?! I asked catching them 'Yeah....f-fine...' Onyx/Jade replied What hurts? I asked 'Everything...' Onyx/Jade replied 'What-?' Onyx/Jade asked I lift up their shirt to check for internal bleeding they're all bruised Does it hurt to move?- I asked 'Mhm...' Onyx/Jade replied  Does this hurt? I asked lightly pressing 'YES-' Onyx/Jade replied Well that's not a bruise- I said 'What do you mean-' Onyx/Jade replied You're internally bleeding I said 'Is that bad-?' Onyx/Jade asked Yes- I replied 'I don't feel good.....' Onyx/Jade said Sis get my medical bag I said _Here you go_ Viper said handing me it I hold a sleepy mask to them they push it away 'No no no what are you doing-' Onyx/Jade asked I have to go in to the remove the blood- I replied 'I'll be fine-....' Onyx/Jade said H-Hey no don't pass out- I replied 'I'll be fine....i just lost a lot of water cause i threw up-' Onyx/Jade added in I give her food 'I''m not hungry...' Onyx/Jade said Where else does it hurt? I asked pressing lightly on her arms they wince You're not allowed to join me in the afterlife yet- I said 'Why-' Onyx/Jade asked Cause i'm not letting you die- I replied 'Whyyyyy-" Onyx/Jade asked I love you too much-..... I replied 'O-Ok...' Onyx/Jade replied they squirm after they're asleep I rush them into the O.R with Viper _What now?_ Viper asked Scalpel I replied Viper hands it to me I cut open where the bleeding is _Woaaah_ Viper said That's a lot of blood-..... I replied _Weird_ Viper said Suction I replied _This doesn't look normal_ Viper said I look up at the monitor _Does it look ok?_ Viper asked Her heart rates ok for now I replied, 

Viper pokes them I start sucking out the blood Ok clamp I said Viper clamps it Needle and thread I said Viper hands it to me Ok on 3 I said _Got it_ Viper said as I begin counting 1.... Viper undoes it anyway WHY?! I asked quickly sowing it securely How's her rate? I asked _Looks eh_ Viper replied I finish and put them in the recovery room they sit up Hey you're awake~ I said 'Mhm-' Onyx/Jade replied How you feeling?.... I asked 'Fine....' Onyx/Jade replied That's good you just have to take it easy the surgery was a success I said 'I know i heard' Onyx/Jade replied I hug them 'What-' Onyx/Jade said You had me worried I replied they stand up You sure? I asked 'What' Onyx/Jade replied Are you sure you're ok? I asked 'No i feel sick but oh well' Onyx/Jade replied.

I give them something to make them feel better 'I wanna go home...' Onyx/Jade said Ok~ I replied bringing them a wheelchair 'Can't i walk-?' Onyx/Jade asked The stitches I replied 'Fine...' Onyx/Jade said I turn it around so they can get in they sit in it 'Tsk...' Onyx/Jade said I walk us home they look very annoyed I walk in with them  <What happened?> Gold asked I'm guessing rock and sludge hammer I replied <Where?> Gold asked Chest I replied,

<Hm....> Gold said But we were able to repair it I replied <How did you get through her ribs then> Gold asked We cut open where the bleeding was I replied <Where was it?> Gold asked Mid chest I replied <Oooh what did it look like? was it weird cause she's a science experiment? > Gold asked A little I replied <She's sooo weird> Gold said She's perfect~ I replied <I bet when she has kids  they're gonna be little monsters too like her>  Gold said I hug them They're not a monster I replied <She kinda is> Gold said She fits in with us I replied <No way I'M not weird like her> Gold said Mr magic legs I replied Gold pokes them Bleh I said <Poke poke poke poke what kind of thing are you> Gold replied Stop poking her I said <Why> Gold asked I'll tell Viper you're being BAD I replied <I'M NOT> Gold said VIPER GOLD IS CHEATING ON YOU I replied _Ew i was never with Gold_ Viper said Well he keeps poking Onyx I replied _So?_ Viper asked He's being BAD I replied.

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