0.2(The show)

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They motion for me to come closer Yes? I asked they write something on my forehead I shrug and look into a mirror It says gay Alright since you won't talk I said unstrapping them and take them back to the main room they pull their hair up and glare at everyone So tell me how many gangs have you been to? I asked they ignore me I get them a new shirt they write on paper and hand it to me I read it It says i'll answer your questions if you say sorry on it Fine- Sorry I said 'What's your questions' Onyx Asked 'The first question?' Onyx asked What's your name? I replied 'Onyx' Onyx said That a real name or? I asked 'Why would i tell you' Onyx replied Alright then how many gangs were you in? I asked 'Just this one' Onyx replied 'Well i'm not really in it just kidnapped by it' Onyx added in The old numbers? I asked 'None i lived a normal-ish life' Onyx replied Ish? I asked 'None of your business' Onyx replied You're awfully quiet I said 'actually i'll answer that once you're married and have a feeling' Onyx replied giggling That's a bit rude I said,

Onyx pulls down their shirt and points to the brand What about it? I asked 'You're calling me rude?' Onyx replied We do that with all our victims I said 'I'm leaving' Onyx replied Fine i'm sorry I said 'That's right listen to me' Onyx replied Can you at least listen when he comes back? I asked 'Why' Onyx replied He's not very pleasant upset I said Onyx walks away He's the higher up- I said Onyx flips me off Please? I asked 'Aw the gang leader begging me to do stuff?' Onyx replied I avoid violence when able to I said 'Begging me~' Onyx replied Did you just- I said 'What?' Onyx replied Flirt?- I asked 'Why would i?' Onyx replied Ca- I said about to say cause but there's a knock at the door -What's going on?- He asked Uh nothing sir I replied -You sure?- He asked Yes I replied while Flame motions for Onyx to follow him to sell for their safety they hiss at him "Please?" Flame asked 'Why should i?' Onyx replied "Cause i'm sorry i knocked you out" Flame said 'Make me' Onyx replied he teleports them in a cell and locks it -Well i was just checking in what are you gonna do with them?- He asked Our usual I replied.

-Hmmm sounds good- He said then disappears I sigh and Flame let's Onyx out they kick Flame in the shins "I deserve that" Flame said 'Yeah you do so what now' Onyx replied If you join us i could protect you better I said 'Sounds good' Onyx replied I unchain them 'So what nowww' Onyx said I kiss them 'What-' Onyx said You're cute I replied 'You kissed me-' Onyx said Yes i did I replied 'Why?!' Onyx asked I like you- I replied 'You don't know me-' Onyx said Then tell me about yourself I replied 'Ask me questions' Onyx said What's your age? I asked '21 You?' Onyx replied asking the same question 22 I said 'Old' Onyx replied Parents? I asked '.....' Onyx replied Ok we'll come back to that one the old branding? I said asking a new question 'What about it' Onyx replied What happened? I asked,

'Nothing....' Onyx replied Bad family? I asked 'I never met them' Onyx replied Well we're your family now I said 'Oh- that's nice' Onyx replied I wrap up the old branding and make the new one not as painful they look at it Better?~ I asked with a little of a flirt they cover the new branding I kiss them they hold still So i'm guessing you've been bounced around? I asked 'Not really' Onyx replied Oh? I asked 'I lived in the same place til 12 then i lived in a apartment' Onyx replied You can have my room I said 'No i'm fine' Onyx replied You sure? I asked 'Yes' Onyx replied while sitting down in a corner I hand them a blanket 'I'm fine" Onyx said Alright I replied they curl up I flop in bed and fall asleep they also fall asleep.

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