(Kanto) Chapter 2

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(3rd Person)

Neither Leaf nor (Y/N) would be able to understand Oak's intentions, well... Leaf had some idea, but she didn't believe the Professor would do it considering he didn't give (Y/N) a starter pokemon, so it wouldn't be possible to complete it. Nonetheless, she followed (Y/N) and the professor into his lab where he sighed in what sounded like a guilty tone of voice, turning on the spot once they were fully inside. In his lab, there were two big points of interest: the massive device hooked up to the computer behind him, and the empty table next to him which had three cushions resting on the empty space.

Oak: Firstly... to explain why it was that Adrian was able to receive all three Pokemon and not just one like I had originally intended. It's... quite a simple and shameful thing really, you see... with the new regions of the Pokemon world, I had little to no money left to either travel to other regions or to continue my research. Luckily, a kind old soul decided to begin funding me with the necessary Pokedollars for the research and travelling I needed... that was of course, Adrian's father all the way from Unova, Harley.

Leaf: Did Adrian...?

Oak: He came in here, demanding a Pokemon. I of course was more than happy to give him one of the three Pokemon available, however... he demanded to take all three Pokemon from the table, once I refused, he threatened to tell his father that I was being stingy and not giving him a Pokemon. Told me if I didn't give him the three Pokemon, he'd get Harley to pull the funding and leave me in the situation I was in previously.

Leaf: So... you got threatened? He can't do that! Surely these assistants of yours could be eyewitnesses to what transpired!

She was talking about all the other researchers in the lab who were all busy doing their own things such as: paperwork, using a tablet or even tinkering with the very machine behind Oak. Oak nodded slowly as he heard that, seemingly agreeing with what Leaf was telling him and let out a sigh. He then looked at (Y/N), an apologetic look plastered onto his face.

Oak: I apologise again, young man. My moment of weakness allowed me to give Adrian all three of them, it's true I could've done that, Leaf. But, I couldn't risk my workers being ruined... see, while there was a chance Harley would hear us out, there could also be the chance that we would all be ruined by his influence and power... after all, Adrian is his only child, and after his wife died a few years ago, Adrian is all he has left of the woman he's loved for twenty-seven years... between a group of professors, and his precious child... you could tell who would win that argument.

Leaf: But... that's... dammit! Damn that Adrian and his spoiled attitude!

The girl couldn't help but curse, knowing just how he was from personal experience... she then let out a sigh, looking up at (Y/N) who seemed to have gone quiet just like before. She saw his expression: attentive and understanding? He wasn't upset? No, it's fair to say he was upset, this was his chance of a lifetime to finally become a Pokemon trainer and begin his dream of World Champion, he must've just been hiding it well, and it only made Leaf grow even angrier at Adrian for even doing something like that, she clenched her fists, declaring in her mind that she would never forgive the rich snob, no matter what he said or did to try and redeem himself.

(Y/N): Professor, I know it's impossible to provide me with a Pokemon now... but what was this method or item you were going to use that would help me reach my dream?

Oak: Ah! Yes, thank you for reminding me young man... oh, by the way... what is your name? I'm sorry but I forgot to ask.

(Y/N): It's (Y/N), Professor. (Y/N) (L/N).

Oak: Ah! You're Vincent's son? Yes, I remember when he too came to this lab to get his starter Pokemon, he chose Charmander... oh, uh... sorry.

The Pokemon professor reminisced, before quickly realising he was most likely rubbing salt into the wound at mentioning his father being successful at getting a starter. However, (Y/N) just sighed, finally showing the disappointed expression he was attempting to hide, a small smile with some disappointed eyes.

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