-Part 12-

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Everyone gets out and starts walking to a skating rink, no ones there and it's just his family and you duke I don't know how to ice skate (is that how you say it ??) I'll help you what if I fall I'll catch you don't worry you put the shoes on and feel much taller this is like heals but for ice ok just step on the ice you put on foot on and feel how slippery it is no I can't cmon here I'll hold you he grabs your hand and goes on with out falling you make this look so easy everyone is already skating like normal while you still can't even get on, he hold on to your waist as you get on duke help I'm gonna fall no it's fine Kaestle was recording while you and duke didn't even notice but she was recording for TikTok ok now just go how bye he let's go if you as you start sliding forward with out any control how do i stop idk just stop how just do duke help ok fine I'm coming he hold on to your waist and your hand duke I can't duke I'm filming keastle said don't post it yet I'm filming the whole thing ok how do I get off no not yet I can't duke yes you can duke no I can't this is hard wanna know what else is I'm serious so am I your not actually but I can yea sure what about last night hm that was just one night the one night I will never forget it'll probably happen again ooo ok 😏 not soon tho ok enough of this what if I Hold on to that thing try it I'm not moving from here yes come back he pulls on your arm but you pull back no I'm gonna fall you can't stay there forever we'll ofc not I'll leave when everyone's leaving how you slowly make your way to the entrance while holding on to the (the thing around the circle like a wall) he starts chasing you so you quickly exit and take the shoes off and start running into the woods, he follows you and soon catches up and holds you we're lost see this is your fault he says while on top of you on the snow try calling no service omg let's just go back the foot prints are still there let me climb this tree maybe we can see from up there he tried but it was too high for him and needed somewhere to step on to sit why don't you try duke if you couldn't how do you expect me to I'll carry you how like I always do he smirks duke stop it you were able to look up but barely saw anything until you saw a few people yeah let's go that way ok come down you jump and he catches you I wanna eat snow no please no please I've never tried it no you keep walking and soon get back
His mum: where were you two we looked everywhere
Duke: we got lost
His mum: how
Duke: long story
Kaestle: ok we should go because Zach and I are going somewhere
Duke: ooooo
Kaestle: duke you shouldn't be talking
Duke: ok whatever
You: I can't feel my hands
Dukes: they're red
He puts your hands in his sweater to warm them, your hands accidentally run down his abs as he slips. Are you ok you say helping him up I'm fine what time is it about time we leave "hurry up TikTok couple" yells Kaestle walking way front wanna eat no I'm fine thanks you haven't eaten all day I'm just not hungry y/n you have to eat no I'm fine duke ok whatever you continue walking but duke stops you can I- nvm what is it nothing forget it you were confused but then he ran to the front so you just continued walking alone

Dukes POV
I ran over to my mum and the rest so I could ask something in private mum where's y/n she's in the back don't leave her alone I won't but can like you cancel our flight back why because I want to spend time with her and you guys duke- please I'll see ok thanks I ran back to y/n and hugged her

Normal POV
Duke hugged you which was random but whatever why are you so happy rn no reason ok once you get in the car you sit next to duke (Kaestle is driving back now since dukes tired) he puts his arm over you and you both fall asleep

Dukes POV
I woke up just before we got home and saw y/n asleep
Duke: do I wake her up or
His mum : idk it's your choice
Kaestle: just carry her inside
Duke: brena is asleep too
Jaxon: I'll take her
I carry her up to my room and take off her clothes, I put one of my shorts and a hoodie on her so she wouldn't fall asleep in wet clothes. She was so cute but hot at the same time that I got hard and went to the bathroom to do my thing and went downstairs
Duke: where can I put our clothes
Kaestle: duke you left her naked !!
Duke: shhh and no I didn't I put some of my clothes on her because I don't want her to get sick
Keastle: oh ok
His mum: didn't you say her birthday was a few days ago ?
Duke: yea it was
Keastle: how about we set up a party for tmr
Duke: I have a question and I need your guys help
His mum: what is it
Duke: how do I uhh
Kaestle: how do you what
His mum: hold on it's something about y/n
Duke: how do you know that
His mum: because your blushing
Duke: ok how do I maybe ask her out ?
Kaestle: do it when your back In LA and take her to like the beach or some where like a picnic
Duke: ok I have the perfect plan
His mum: but how did she find out you cheated
Duke: well....it was through messages that's how we planned to hook up, I went to shower and I got a message and she saw it i don't know what was going through my mind tho and right after her birthday ? Why ?
Kaestle: it's ok maybe she'll say yes
Duke: maybe ?
His mum: well yeah you don't know how bad you hurt her, she trusted you and you broke that trust.
Duke: I know ugh I'm going to bed I can't keep thinking about this

That's all (btw normal POV next chapter)

Sorry to break your guys hearts but I just realized that one day duke is gonna go live and a random girl is gonna be there, he's gonna let her sit on his lap, kiss her, and announce they're dating. He's gonna get married and have kids. He's gonna go on his youtube and make these family videos while 50% is gonna literally k1ll them selves because of that. while we......are just gonna Sit there like 😃 not knowing what to do because there isn't another duke who has abs, is cute, can do a Willy voice, and is just perfect ! Lol just my midnight and thoughts tbh 😃

(The reason that came through my mind was because I was listening to TikTok sounds to come up with another chapter and well a slowed version of "night changes" came up and i dont know made me realize this is all fake 😀)

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