-Part 1-

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It was a normal day other than the fact that there was gonna be a new memeber of factory LA which was exciting. At around 2 pm there was a knock on the door, you opened it a tall, fine, brunette guy. The whole day you both talked about each other and became best friends in just the matter of a day, a few weeks went by and you had caught feelings since the day you met him but you didn't say anything. He was flirty with you but you just thought he was playing. One day teala was coming over which was bad since not everyone liked her but it is what is. The whole day you didn't speak to her and just stayed with Cassidy since she hated her too, you decided to go check and see what duke was doing since you were bored so you opened the door to his room and found him and teala making out which broke your heart but you just said sorry and went to your room, he chased after you but you closed the door. After an about an hour of sitting on your phone you heard a knock, you didn't answer since you like to stay alone when your sad. Y/n ? (Cassidy) yes ? Lemme in you open the door and let her in I'm bored same y/n ? You knew it was duke so you didn't answer, Cassidy was about to get up to answer but you pulled her back no why not because ok I guess y/n can you please open what's wrong nothing I don't feel like speaking to anyone today yk ? She isn't here !! CASSIDY she is I can hear her you get up and open the door yes ? Why'd you close the door on me because but- look I have to go bye wait- you close the door and go sit down again what he do to you nothing I just don't feel like speaking to anyone today your speaking to me yeah but your someone I've known my whole life and trust you don't trust him I do then ? To me it seems like you two are dating which I ship he's dating teala WHAT shhh no wtf teala ?? Really ?? Why teala ? I walked in on them like 1-2 hours ago omg- shhh don't tell anyone I won't that's just shocking I mean she's annoying af ikr imma stay here I don't want to go out she's gonna stay here until like 10 so it's 8 hours of being stuck here at least we have a tv I mean yeah after having a pillow fight and watching Netflix you both got hungry so you decided to sneak out the window from the 3rd floor and get pizza, you snuck back in and decided to order instead so it was a waste of time. After 10 minutes you heard duke yell from the front door asking who got pizza, you run down and get water and the pizza it's mine bitch it ours !! She yells from the stairs I know that !! HAH oh yea we have to go you run back upstairs and go inside well at least it's not cold yea after eating and watching tv you go out thinking she left but find teala on top of duke ok the couch so you run back upstairs and decided to go live. Questions pop up so you decide to read them how's our day been ? Terrible we just stayed in y/ns room since we were bored yeah duke comes in your room while your still live and ask a question y/n yes ? How do I know if I hurt someone why ? Just answer the question please well it depends on the person and what you did well like what would you do if someone hurt you probably avoid them and stay in my room, why tho ? No reason thanks umm ok wtf just happened idk after a while you end the live is she still here yeah they were making out on the couch Oof yeah but lemme check you check and look over to the kitchen and living room and see him talking to Tati he's talking to Tati now oh so she's probably gone finally yes thanks god you both go downstairs and save the rest if the pizza in the fridge
Tati: where were you two today ?
You: just bored so we stayed in my room
Duke: y/n can I talk to you
You: why.....
Duke: please
Cassidy: don't you have teala
Duke: who said that
Cassidy: I know everything, cmon
She grabs your arm and pulls you to her room anyways what should we do now idk Cassidy is y/n here ? He ask knocking she is why I need to talk to her why I just do go out she whispers to you what ? Me and teala are nothing ok ? Umm ok ? You turn around but he pulls you back why are you avoiding me ? I'm not yes you are ever since you saw me and teala you have been avoiding me no I haven't yes you have what did I do he hugs you and pulls you to his chest look I've avoided everyone today no you've just avoided me please don't hate me I don't you pull away and go back in Cassidys room what he say he said him and teala are nothing which is a big lie so true I'm gonna go to my room ok bye you leave to your room and go to bed. In the morning you and Cassidy are eating break fast when you see duke come out of tatis room with his hair messed up and shirtless how many people is he fucking in this house ? He came in my room last night because he- you slept with him too ?! No ! He came in my room because he wanted to go to you room because the power in his room went out but I told him you were mad why would you tell him I'm mad because- shhh he's coming I'll tell you later she whispers.

That's All, but why could my other story a movie (jk jk)

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