-part 4-

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*. * thoughts

Tati: if your not going none of us are going
You: why ?!
Duke: because you shouldn't let others tell you what you should wear or what looks good I think you look perfect in it
Cassidy: guys it's not gonna work
Duke: how do you know that
Cassidy: because I'm her older sister how wouldn't I
You: look everyone else look perfect in them except me just leave me here
Duke: no cmon please I'm begging you
You: I have stuff to do anyways
Duke: like what
You: like.....filming ! And uhh idk
Duke: cmon please for me
You: no plus I probably forgot how to swim
Duke: I'll teach you
You: no, ok? I won't go that's it. ok ?
Duke: I'll stay with her
Cassidy: just this one time y/n just one time
You: no
Duke: fine then don't come I hate you
He says walking away
Cassidy: don't ruin your first relationship
You: if someone loves you they would stay with you through everything let him leave ok ? I'm not good enough for him
Duke: I do love you
You: didn't you say you didn't tho ?
Duke: I was just mad I'm sorry
You: I'm either way not going
Duke: fine then I'll stay
You: fine if your gonna film and watch Netflix then ok
Duke: ok then
He comes sits next to you and the rest leave what should we watch your actually not gonna go no I'm not going why not you should stop yourself from doing stuff you love just because someone says you shouldn't I'll be fine I don't like swimming either way I thought you loved it well that was before he takes off his shirt and puts grey shorts on cmon let's just fall asleep you go closer to him and look put your head on his chest, you start to fall asleep until he gets up wait lemme just fall asleep I really have to use the bathroom please 🥺 just give me 10 seconds ok ? Pleaseeeeee🥺 I really have to go you get under the blanket and stay there, after like 5-10 seconds he comes back y/n I'm back he comes under the blanket and kisses you. You took so long it was 10 seconds- ok fine he pulls you to his chest and you fall asleep. You wake up and see him next to you with his hair messed up *awww he's so cute I just wanna hug him but he's asleep* you hug him and try your best to not wake him up but fail you woke me up sorry you get out his arms and pull away no come back I was kidding 🥺 ok you go cuddle with him again, you mess up his hair more and kiss his cheek hey why'd you kiss my cheek because no you must kiss my lips now he pulls you to a kiss, you start to make out until his phone rings what he says clearly annoyed what pictures, oh no, ok bye who was it remember when I took you to boa and we were making out in the parking lot and we heard a camera go off and a flash ? Oh no the pictures are everywhere even TikTok room ? Ofc they are they love you ofc they would put pictures that are of you there well who cares what- you start kissing him and making out with him, drops his phone on the floor and starts to undress you. You take off his shorts and boxers, your both undressed so he flips you over, he grabs hand cuffs and a blind fold and puts it on you only cum when daddy says you can ok ? Yes daddy *what's he gonna do to me he has never done this* you feel him stick two finger in you and curl them, you feel like your gonna cum but you try and hold it daddy I'm close not yet please he adds two more and pushes them deeper daddy please ! He kisses your neck and takes his finger out, he then shoved himself in you while holding on your waist. You feel like you can't hold it anymore and ask once again daddy please I can't hold it go ahead you both come at the same time and lay there, he uncuffs you and takes the blind fold off. He pulls you close to his sweaty body and cuddled with you until your asleep (ikr this girl lives off of sleep) you wake up and see duke dressed hey wanna go live if I'll just be sitting then yes aww did daddy fuck you too hard maybe he helps and gets two chairs and puts them in front of your desk ready yes I guess you start the live and start answering questions, on dukes left side of his face was a dark hickey on his jaw and you had hickeys on your neck that you both tryed to hide but soon people noticed them that's not a hickey I just hit myself on the wall his was pretty believable but you couldn't find and excuse that's not a hickey it's just a uh- I don't even have a boy friend so why'd like I have a hickey people wouldn't stop so you ended the live yours was believable it was ok you have some explaining to do tho hm you said you would make a thirst trap today right ? Yes why how are you gonna explain the hickey on your chest make up oh yeah we can use make up to cover them duh I'm smart yeah whatever he kisses you and throws you on the bed when can we announce we're dating when your fandom gets used to me what about yours mine are fine with who ever I date well except the Lopez brothers they ship me with everyone, yours tho the only people they ship you with is Emma and Willy both don't like me so they're gonna have to deal with it if Willy was a real person I would totally ship you two if Willy was a real person would you date him maybe, would you ? Ofc he says sarcastically ok if Emma came and asked for a second chance would you maybe

That's all today I had a really dream about duke that I think I can turn into a fan fic 👀

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