She stood up angrily and ran over to the expressionless boy she learned to love.
“I HATE YOU!” She slapped his face and abruptly turned to leave, to run, to be away from him. She stopped fast and was pulled over to him and he grabbed her waist. She tried to push away from him but he was too strong. She looked up at him and burst into tears.
“You love me.” He was right, and she hated herself for it.

Betty Pov
Here I am, getting ready for my first day back at school, my last year of High School finally, soon I’ll be an adult and I can leave home, leave my mother who treats me like crap, she wants me to be perfect but I’m far from it if I had my way I would dress in tight clothing and join the cheerleading team, but life isn’t fair. I opened my window and climbed down the ladder avoiding my mother. 
A-“Betty Hey!” She squealed and then relaxed, It was only Archie, her childhood friend, and neighbor. 
B- “Hey Arch, how’s your Dad?” He looked down and Betty walked over to him, hugging him.
B- “I’m sure he’ll get better soon.” He smiled at me and I knew he was fighting tears, Fred Andrews the kindest and most caring man I’ve ever met Archie's Dad, had been suffering through cancer, last year they had managed to take it out but it had come back and it was worse.
A-“Thanks, Betty, let's get to school.” I nodded and we walked down the pavement talking and laughing.
B-“So have you asked Josie out yet?”I grinned at him and he gulped, he told me about his huge crush on Josie the other day and I was eager to get them together. 
A- “Well, you see I…”
B- “Arch you're not one to be shy, I’m sure she’d love to go out with you.” He nodded and started talking about something else. I nodded at him trying to pay attention to whatever boring football stuff he was talking about. I looked forward and gasped, I stopped and dropped my books.
A-“Betty whats-oh.” There were about 20 bikes with men in leather jackets on them, lined up in the parking lot of our school and I gulped nervously, they were Serpents from the southside.
B- “W-what are they doing here?” I have always been afraid of the serpents, mostly because my mother has told me, they were killers and drug dealers. Her stories were confirmed when I met one, on that dreadful summer’s day. 
A- “Hey don’t worry Betty, they won’t hurt you.” Archie brought me out of my thoughts and started walking towards our school, I followed him when what I really wanted to do was run the other way. We were nearing them and Archie didn’t make eye contact, but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to see if he was with them. I walked a few meters beside them, hoping they wouldn’t catch me looking at them. I analyzed each of their faces and then my eyes stopped on a boy in the middle with raven black hair and ocean eyes, he was ruggedly handsome and incredibly dangerous, he looked into my eyes with no expression on his face I turned my head away quickly and gulped. 
J- “Blondie.” I stopped in my tracks and closed my eyes in regret.
B- “Crap,” I whispered under my breath. I didn’t turn around but I didn’t keep walking I looked up and noticed Archie was gone, I felt like a little kid who was lost at the zoo, and the serpents were the animals, let out of their cages. 
J- “What’s your name?” The same, intoxicatingly deep voice spoke to me and I completely forgot my name in that split second. My brain finally caught on and I started walking again. I felt something grab my arm making me stop and spin me around, I’m in deep trouble now.
SP- “He asked you a question Northsider.” This serpent was taller with black hair and brown eyes, he was good-looking but nothing like the other boy.
SP- “What are you a mute? Answer the damn question!” His hand was still holding my arm tightly and suddenly my anger consumed my fear, I slapped him across the face and turned to run, but he didn’t let go. 
B- “Let go of me!”
SP- “No, you-”
J- “Bring her to me.” The first one interrupted him and he immediately started pulling me over.
B- “I’m not some pet for you to walk! Let go!” I tried to pull away from him and he laughed. Suddenly I was in front of the leader and he let go of me.
SP- “Happy now?”
B- “Thrilled.” I tried to walk away again but he grabbed my waist and pulled me in, so I was standing between his legs, I gulped and looked up at him.
J- “Not so fast Princess.” He smirked at me and I looked down, rolling my eyes, be brave Betty you can do this…”
B- “What do you want?” He stared at me amused, I raised my eyebrow at him, he was a whole lot of trouble and I knew this year was going to be a wild ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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