Chapter 15: Year 6 Part 2

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When everyone gathered, the tension in the air was thick. Everyone could tell that it was coming from Severus and Hermione. Severus was smoking and Hermione was leaning up against him slightly. Her back to his chest as her knees were raised in front of her. Severus had his free hand wrapped around her waist. For a man like Severus Snape, he was not a man too often to display affections publicly. Even with Hermione. But right now they seemed to be taking comfort from each other. A thought that unnerved everyone. But not for the reason one might expect. Surprisingly they have all gotten used to the idea that Severus and Hermione are together, for the most part anyway. Some still are weary and not pleased by the decision but aren't openly hostile about it. For now. If given the chance to save the lives of those they care about meant having to deal with the temporary presence of a married Severus and Hermione then it was worth it. For the most part one wouldn't even be able to tell that they are married and that is what concerns everyone. For two people who don't display their affections for one another often, then for them to do so now means something bad is coming, something even they don't want to relive.

After class, Harry asks Slughorn about Horcruxes, and Slughorn freezes. He knows immediately that Dumbledore has sent Harry and refuses to answer. Harry continues to regularly consult the Marauder's Map to check on Draco's whereabouts. Sometimes he is unable to locate him on the map at all. Ron starts eating Chocolate Cauldrons laced with a love potion. After being cured, Slughorn gives him a mead that was intended for Dumbledore that was laced with poison.

During another private lesson. Voldemort is working at Burgin ad Burkes and meets a witch named Hephzibah, who shows him the Slytherin's locket that once belonged to his mother and a cup which belonged to Helga Hufflepuff. Dumbledore reveals that Voldemort must have murdered Hepzibah and that her family realized that the locket and the cup were missing. Around the same time, Voldemort left his job at Borgin and Burkes and was not seen or heard from for a very long time. Another memory showed Voldemort applied for the Defence position which Dumbledore denied. He then cursed the position which has resulted in their never being the same defence teachers two years in a row. Later, Harry finds a new spell, Sectumsempra, scrawled in the margins of his Potions textbook, with the words 'For Enemies.' Harry uses Felix Felicis to get Slughorn's memory but he doesn't drink it all. The memory shows'

"A Horcrux is the word used for an object in which a per-son has concealed part of their soul," Slughorn said. "Well, you split your soul, you see and hide part of it in an object outside the body. Then, even if one's body is attacked or destroyed, one cannot die, for part of the soul remains earthbound and undamaged. But of course, existence in such a form ..."

"How do you split your soul?" Voldemort asked.

"By commiting murder. Killing rips the soul apart."

"Merlin's beard, Tom!" yelped Slughorn. "Seven! Isn't it bad enough to think of killing one person? And in any case....bad enough to divide the soul....but to rip it into seven pieces...."

Dumbledore tells Harry that he suspects Voldemort has split his soul into seven pieces. The only way to kill Voldemort is to destroy all seven Horcruxes. Dumbledore believes that the seventh Horcrux is Voldemort's regenerated body and should be destroyed last. Two are already gone; the diary Harry destroyed in his second year. and Marvolo's ring, which Dumbledore withered his hand destroying. Harry suggests Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup. Dumbledore believes that Nagini, the snake, is one as well. It is revealed that when Dumbledore leaves Hogwarts for long stretches of time, he is out hunting for Horcruxes.

The scene changes to Harry duelling in the bathroom. Harry curses him with 'Sectumsempra', a spell of the Half-blood Prince. He severely hurts Draco, but Professor Snape is able to save him. Harry then throws the textbook away. At lunch, Hermione shows Harry a newspaper article about Eileen Prince, and suggests that she may be the Half-Blood Prince.

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