Chapter 16: Meeting the Parents

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Yesterday had obviously affected Severus Snape, however, you wouldn't be able to tell that he was in a more sour mood then normal based on his behaviour and interactions with the people in the house. Obviously due to his wife's intervention yesterday evening, a conversation the entire house was aware of due to their spying. It was reassuring to say the least that they did display their emotions to one another, that their relationship was actually founded on romantic feelings then some other misguided reason. A thought that has been playing around in the Grangers heads ever since they found out that their future daughter is married to her former professor. Even though the woman in question was not a child in need of her parent's guidance in such a life decision, for she has already chosen and has a ring to prove it. However, they couldn't help be concerned, it was in the job descriptions for parents after all. But they had faith in their daughter, and for her sake wanted to rectify these concerns and to do that meant doing only one thing. Talking to her and her husband alone. A feat they have not yet accomplished despite her presence the last couple of days. They were unsure how to approach her, for she is not the daughter they now know, but one they still love. Even if she married a man whom they now know is a murder.

This has led them to the library in the house. A large open room with bookshelves across every wall, even under the grimy windows that allowed very little light in. They had tried to talk to the two of them during breakfast, however, they were not present. They went through room to room, asking the others in the house if they were aware of their location, none knowing. It was only until Ron Weasley jokingly suggested that it was Hermione and if you can't find her then she is probably lost in the library. A suggestion that seemed so obvious once the realization hit that it was still their daughter and that even 10 years couldn't diminish her love of reading.

They found the couple in question on a couch across the room, both were absorbed in their reading material and didn't seem to take notice of their position. But Mr. and Mrs. Granger did. They noticed how their daughter leaned up against her husband. Her back to his chest as he had one arm wrapped around her. They were comfortable, relaxed and safe with one another. Severus had a smirk on his face, as his eyes glittered. Hermione on the other hand was biting her lip and seemed to be in deep concentration. Occasionally they would glance at one another. Love was prominent in their eyes. The most intimacy anyone has seen from the two since they overheard their private discussion where they showed their most vulnerability.

Severus didn't survive for the past two decades as a spy without being unobservant. He had noticed their presence as soon as they entered the threshold of the library. He had expected a confrontation as soon as it was made public knowledge here in the past that he was more than involved with their daughter, mind you a future version, their daughter nonetheless. However, he was pleased to note that they had kept their distance and allowed time to pass before acting brashly. Not that he had expected the Grangers to be brash for he had met them on several occasions, but that all gets thrown out the window when he meets them in the past where their daughter was currently 15 years old. His eyes shifted from his book of which he has stopped reading to the Granger's. He waited for them to make the first move, he felt that if they had something to say then they should day it, he had nothing to say to them, he had nothing to explain or anything to be sorry for.

Mrs. Granger coughed softly, drawing attention to their presence. Severus was already aware and so when Hermione was startled and jumped slightly quickly trying to correct her position as if they were acting in an intimate manner. As she tried to move Severus kept his arm around her preventing her from moving from her place. Like a teanager caught snogging her boyfriend by her parents. An act that seemed so simple but made his statement known; she is mine.

"I hope we are not disturbing you?" Mrs. Granger asked.

"Not in the slightest," Hermione responded.

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