Corporation Progress

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'How are you feeling?' Korse asked first thing in the morning as usual.

And Frank answered with a big smile on his face. The spark in his eyes was long gone, and Korse missed it, but it was a small price to pay to have him with him. 'Never been better.'

'You think you're ready to get a job?'

'I hope so. I love it here, but I'd love to be useful and actually do something, you know?'

'Well, I think I have something for you.' He turned to Frank, who seemed too excited. 'Since you're new in the city, it'd be recommended that you start in the factory. But with your pretty face and my connections, I can get something better.'

'Oh, really? I don't mind working at the factory. Any way I can help BLI is good for me. I'd be honored.'

'I'll just have to get you some turtle neck shirts to hide those tattoos, and you can start anytime.'

'You think that can be a problem?' the younger man asked, genuinely concerned, while Korse kissed his scorpion tattoo.

'It might. To them, it means individuality, feelings, and your own ideals.'

'Is that bad?'

The Scarecrow turned him around to look at him in the eye. 'It's not. But some people think it can be dangerous.'

'Am I dangerous?'

'No. And I won't let them hurt you.' He kissed him. 'They make you beautiful. And that's why we'll hide them.'

He gave him flyers about Battery City, their history, and stuff he needed to know before his interview. And Frank would spend all day reading, practicing his social skills. First thing the next week, he was putting on a suit that Korse had gotten for him. he even got him leather gloves to cover the tattoos on his hands. 'So – what position am I going for?'

'Receptionist. I'm sure you'll pass just with your looks. They're very superficial. But make sure to smile a lot.'

'Yeah.' He kissed him one last time before sending him off. 'Wait – you're not coming?'

'No, and don't mention we're – together. To anyone.'

'Why not?'

'BLI employees aren't allowed to be in relationships with other employees.'


'There's a car waiting for you downstairs. They know where to go.' Frank turned to leave. 'Wait. Good luck.'

'Thank you.'

The drive to BLI was long. Or at least, that was how it felt for Frank. He looked around, never had been on that side of the city. It was all too pretty, and the houses were fancy and huge. The driver dropped him off outside of the offices, without a word, and Frank was supposed to find where to go on his own.

Luckily, the droid at the entrance was very helpful and told Frank to go to the third floor where they were waiting for him. And when he got there, a lady called his name. 'Follow me.' They sat in the middle of a big room, all in white, and the lady started to ask him questions. The basic ones that Korse had prepared him for. Why do you want to work for Better Life Industries? What can you give the corporation? He answered what he was told to. 'Because I want to be of service.'

After five minutes, she closed her folder and looked at him. 'You'll start tomorrow morning. Welcome to Better Life Industries, and have a better day.'

That was easy.

Frank went home and told his lover everything. He sounded excited, and Korse couldn't help but be excited too. Frank made him feel alive again, made him laugh and enjoy things. It had been a while since the last time he did.


Good morning, citizen Frank, the voice coming from the speaker said. It's time to wake up, and get to your first day of work. Have a better day!

He got up, dragging his feet to the bathroom and brushing his teeth.

And don't forget your morning dose of Sterelax.

He got a cup of BLI coffee, and put on his suit and walked out. Korse had already told him which tunnel to take, and who to report to. So he made sure to get there early, and find Nicole from Employee Resources. She gave him some paperwork to fill out, and led him to a room full of computers where they'd take his fingerprints and a picture for his ID. When he walked out, they gave him a BLI name tag with his picture, and led him to the main building.

'You'll be here, welcoming everyone. Amy will tell you what to do. Now put that pretty face to work.'

Frank nodded, and sat down in front of the big sign with the smiley face.

The girl gave him a quick rundown of how to work the map of the building. Where everything was. Admissions to the right, security in the back, and so on. She also taught him how to work the log, and how to get everyone's information. She stayed there for an hour, but soon he got the idea and did it by himself.

'Welcome to Better Life Industries,' he said when a guest came in, smiling. 'How may I serve you?'

'I'm here for an appointment with Scarecrow Johnson,' the woman said.

'I'll let him know.' He made a quick call to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W department, and then turned to the lady. 'He's waiting for you in building C, first floor.'

Frank got the hang of it very quickly, and after a couple of hours, he felt like he was born for this. All he had to do was smile, and he didn't even have to fake it. He was having fun. And at night when he went home, Korse was waiting for him, and made dinner for him, filled him with kisses and treated him like no one else had.

Days went by, and he was getting better, getting praise from everyone, even the Director, who stopped by just to greet him and meet the kid everyone was talking about. 'You seem so –' she said. 'Excited. It's rare to see that.'

'I'm just grateful to be here, ma'am.'

Then, another day, a scarecrow came in, and stopped on his way to the elevator. 'Frank?'

'Excuse me, sir? Do I know you?'

The scarecrow, who was blond and a little young for his position, walked closer to the desk. 'It's me! Bob!'

'I apologize, sir. I do not know you.' But Frank was scared, confused. Was he supposed to know him?

Bob looked around to make sure no one was looking. 'I thought you were dead for the longest time. Then, I heard things. And now you're here.'

'Please, I beg you. Leave me alone!' He was starting to freak out, which wasn't a good sign. He hadn't had an anxiety attack in weeks, and they never happened while he was on meds. But something wasn't right.

'I'm sorry,' Bob said, and just left, knowing he was causing a scene and it'd only get worse.

But Frank had to be sent home, and it was one of those long nights where he cried a lot, not sure who he was anymore. He suddenly felt like there was a big piece of him missing. Something he didn't know.

He had no idea what it was, but he felt empty.

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he woke up to the voice calling his name through the speaker. Greeting his name and reminding him to take his pills.

He considered not taking them, wondering what was the need. But just the thought of the night before, the void inside him, and the feeling of doom, were enough. So he opened the bottle and took two.

Then, he smiled at his reflection and everything was right again. Have a better day, the voice said.


thank you for reading!

so, what do you think about this one? i would appreciate any feedback!

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