"Umm. . . I was swimming with my sister through an area she found, when I saw a baby dolphin that was caught in a net so I helped it. After I freed it, Kit yelled at me to get away from the surface and that's when we saw a ship coming toward us. We tried to get away from it but I saw the anchor and I pushed her out of the way. Everything else is fuzzy."

"Do you remember what happened to your sister?"

"I. . . remember. . . her trying to help me then. . .," his voice trailed off as his face became pale. "She was in a net. . .. Oh Neptune, Kit!"

I saw that was about to try to get up, so I quickly grabbed his shoulders, pushing him down and said, "Don't even think about it."

"Get off me! I need to find her!"

"I get that you're worried about your sister but you can't go after her."

"And why not?!"

"Look at yourself. You're badly injured."

"I'm fine!"

"Alright then." I held up two fingers in front of him. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Even though my fingers were a few inches from his face, he squinted his eyes to try and see.


I sighed, saying," Its two. You're vision is still recovering and you have a bad side wound. You could end up opening it up. Besides, do you even know where she is?" He looked away. "Thought so."

"Th-Then what am I supposed to do?" he asked, quietly.

"Let us help."

"A-And why would you do that? Wh-What do you want?" he asked, looking at me cautiously.

"Nothing. We just like to help."

He looked at me for a moment before nodding and said, "O-Okay."


"U-Umm, c-can y-you g-get o-off m-me. . .?"

"Huh?" I then noticed that I was on top of him with him trapped underneath me. "Oh. Sorry about that." I got up and offered a hand to him. "Come on. Let me introduce you to the rest of my crew." He looked at my hand cautiously. "Unless you think you can walk on your own." He gave me a 'shut it' before taking my hand. I pulled him up and he immediately started wobbling. He tried to take a step forward, but instead fell into my chest. He grabbed onto me to not fall over and I couldn't help but smile. "Well aren't you falling for me already, pretty boy." His blushed bright making me laugh. "Aww, is pretty boy embarrassed?"

His became brighter as he yelled, "Sh-Shut up!"

"You're face is all red." He growled at me, looking away. I smiled and said, "Alright, let's go meet everyone." I led him out of the room and onto the deck where everyone was relaxing. "Hey everyone. This is Mario, the guy we saved."

Jakey ran up to us and asked, "Are you okay?!" very loudly. Mario jumped a bit and almost feel over, luckily, I caught him.

"Carefully Jakey. He's not exactly skilled with legs. Isn't that right, wobble legs?" I joked. He growled, elbowing me in the side, making me drop him. He yelped loudly, hitting ground.

"David!" I turned and saw Lucas glaring at me.

"What?! He made me!"

"Sure he did." He walked over to Mario holding his hand out. "You okay, Mario."

Mario looked up at him and for a second, I saw pain in his eyes but it was quickly replaced with anger and screamed, "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Lucas quickly backed away as Mario swung his arm at him.

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