Chapter 4

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The morning after Valentine's day Harry wakes up with Louis by his side, one of his hands is wrapped up in his curls. Harry doesn't get up for a while because he just wants to lay with Louis, feeling his other arm wrapped around him. Harry can feel him breathing in and out, every breath is slow both ways. Harry takes a deep breath and grabs Louis' hand which is around Harry's bare stomach. Louis slightly wakes up and rubs Harry's back a little. Harry turns around to face Louis. His eyes are shining blue as always, Harry loves his eyes. They are the perfect color, shape, everything.

"What day is it?" Louis says softly. Harry can't believe how much he adores Louis' voice, it's a little high but it still has the perfect amount of rasp to it.

"Monday" Harry replies just as softly. Louis rolls his eyes and scoffs. Harry knows it's not towards him but to the fact that they have school. Harry sees Louis perk up a little bit though.

"I would ask if we could stay here all day but today is the start of semi-final training, we can't miss it" Louis exclaims as he gets up out of Harry's bed. Harry sighs and gets up as well. He looks over at Louis to see him pulling a green hoodie over his head, it's Harry's hoodie. Harry slips on a pair of black skinny jeans of course and finds a white t-shirt to wear. Harry looks in the mirror and fluffs his hair up a bit, trying to make it look like he had at least tried. Harry feels Louis walk up beside him and soon enough Louis is fixing Harry's hair just how he wants it. Harry laughs before pushing Louis' hand away. The two of them finally go downstairs after they are both ready, grabbing the pieces of toast Anne made them before she left.

"See you at school Lou" Harry giggles as Louis kisses his cheek before walking to his own car. Harry waits for Louis to drive away before he starts for Liam's house.

When Harry gets to his first period he and Liam part ways. Harry walks into the class and sits right down in his seat. He doesn't really feel like dealing with anyone so he sets his head down on the desk. Eventually, he hears Niall's laugh, it's hard to miss, so he looks up and smiles. He also sees Louis sit down in his seat across the room.

"Hey, lad! Your hair is a mess" Niall chuckles as he sits down. Harry ruffles his hair a little trying to fix it. The class goes by pretty quickly, Harry and Niall just talk and have fun all hour. Harry looks over Louis' direction every once in a while, he often finds Louis staring.

At lunch, Harry gets to his table and sees Liam and Niall sitting there like usual. He sits down in his spot and opens up his bag to grab his lunch. He starts eating and all of the boys are just laughing and being them. Harry looks up to see Louis and Zayn walk in but they don't walk to their normal table, they start walking to Harry's. Harry arched a brow and Liam and Niall turn to see what he's looking at.

"Hey, Louis!" Niall says when the two finally reach the table. Louis and Zayn sit down, Zayn is sitting next to Harry and Louis is across from him.

"Hey lads, are you excited for the semi-final training?" Louis says casually. Harry didn't quite understand but he tried to act like nothing was wrong, since that's what Louis was doing.

"Yeah" Liam responded while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"How come you guys are sitting here?" Harry says.

"Liam asked us if we wanted to, I didn't think you'd have a problem with it" Louis responded sounding almost hurt. Harry didn't mean it like that.

"Oh no, I don't care" Harry is obviously talking to Louis, all of the boys look at Harry a little weird. After a few seconds, they all go back to eating and lunch goes smoothly the rest of the time. Harry is honestly really happy that he and Louis are finally eating lunch together.

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