"We will work this out together." He started kissing my temple. "I promise."

I looked at him then furrowed my eyebrows. "How did you get up here? Dad has maxed the security." He chuckled shaking his head.

"That 'security system' your father has made is pointless. It was easy to break the system and dismantle the security footage." He smirked at me as I shot him an irritated look.

"You know my family will try to kill you if they see up here with me."

"Keyword princess, 'try'." He winked. "And I doubt they even know what I look like. They probably assume 'Blaze' is some old low life." I laughed and shook my head.

"Well to be fair you are old." I pointed out. Knowing quite well he was not old. The age gap between us isn't big. But I just love any opportunity to be able to mess with him.

"well, you're dating an 'old man'." He rolled his eyes as he made air-quotes. I froze in place and looked at him with wide eyes. He hadn't realised his mistake but I have? Dating? Does he see me as his girlfriend? What does this mean for us? What does this mean for me? I mean I know we have been spending a lot of time together and have been pretty vocal about our feelings. But we have never discussed any sort of label for us yet.

"Dating?" His eyes widened and he realised his slip up.

"Shit..." He groaned into his hands tugging his hair. "Well... are we?" He grimaced at his own question. How was it possible to be so bad at this? We were so used to being cold and emotionless. Where we fight and kill people with no thought process, skill and ease. But when it comes to dating and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. We are both completely clueless.

"I don't know." I shrugged laying my hands in my lap.

"Well let's say we did label ourselves in a relationship." He cleared his throat. " What would that entail?" he asked speaking formally.

"I am not so sure as I have had no past familiarity in such relationship involvements." He nodded his head and folded his hands together.

"If we were going to call this a relationship and you be my girlfriend. Would we need to create a contract for understanding both of our needs?" I scrunched my nose together. Maybe a contract would be good... I don't know relationships well but I do understand contracts

"That would probably be for the best," I said and grabbed my laptop before laying on my bed. "What should be in the contract." He looked around my room grimacing at the dirty clothes on my floor.

"perhaps keeping a tidy room." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, that is what you would first suggest. I was thinking more of communication understanding. So that whatever is on our minds we should tell each other." He nodded his head and put his finger to his chin as he started to think.

"Yes, but that in but as well as the tidy room rule."

"No," I say.

"But it's a contract, princess. We both have to contribute." I huffed and he took my laptop writing in his own stupid rule with a dumb grin.

"Ok, I have one," I said snatching the laptop back. "You can't continue bossing me around," I smirked. Remembering how psycho he is about cleaning.

"Me wanting to be neat and tidy is not me bossing you around. May I remind you of what you did to my apartment." A giggle left my lips.

"Yes but this is my contribution to the contract," I say smugly. He sighed pinching his nose, slouching his shoulders.

"You need to be the one cooking." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

"Because you are a woman." I raised my hand to slap him, his eyes widened and he caught my wrist quickly. "And because I can't cook for shit." He added.

I rolled my eyes and snatched my hand back glaring at him. "Fine we will add the rule but I am not cooking forever. You will learn and I will teach you." He pouted but agreed.

"And another rule! You are not allowed to sneak into my room without telling me." He folded his arms and glared at me.


"Because Jace sneaks in my room too much as it is. I do not need you added to the list. And not to mention the potential risks." He groaned but complied.

"How many of these rules are there going to be?"

"Many." I sang.

"Why did I ever agree to this." I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Before we both talked and agreed on a few more rules.

"Oh!" I squealed excitedly and suddenly making Blaze jump.

"What?" Blaze asked rubbing his sore ears.

"We need to watch vampire diaries."


My mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes narrowed to the culprit. "We. Are. Watching. Vampire. Diaries." I gritted through my clenched teeth.

"No fucking way." I ignored him and typed it in the contract anyway. "What are you doing! You cant put that in the contract? That is not a legitimate rule." He seethed.

"And what? The rule that only I can cook is legitimate?"

"Yes." He says determinedly.


"Too late it is printing now." His narrowed eyes glared daggers into my skull. But I was too giddy to care. This boy is to dumb to realise but in this relationship. I am the boss.

"If your family doesn't kill me, that ludicrous show vampire diaries will definitely do the trick." He mumbled.

"Baby you silly goose! You forgot me in that equation." I winked, chuckling under my breath at his dumbfounded face. I grabbed the printing from the printer smiling to myself before he cornered me.

"Never." He whispered. "Never call me that again." I gave him a bored look.

"Then what should I call you?' I asked tilting my head innocently. The corner of his lips lifted as he started to whisper ridiculous names in my ear. "Yeah, I am not calling you any of those names," I said in disgust.

"Why?" he pouted.

"Because calling you 'big cock'," I say slowly using air quotes. "Is only an insult for the little guy," I say whilst smirking at his downstairs region. His hands around my waist tightened as his eyes gave me a pointed look.

"I think we both can agree on something princess." He said blankly. "That 'little' has nothing in any sorts  has anything to do with me."

My cheeks blush furiously, and I bit my lip trying to avert my eyes. He smirked at my nervous form and caught my chin forcing me to look at him. "Would you agree princess?" He hummed when I did not answer.

But to save me from any more embarrassing comments I put a piece of paper between us which was the contract. "W-we need to sign this."

"Ok princess." He smirked not bothering to move his hand off my waist. He took one of the pens from my desk and signed it. "So if you break It does that mean I get to punish you." He winked.

I scoffed loudly and snatched the contract and pen. "Not in any lifetime bud. But if you break this contract. Ever! And I will promise you... I won't punish you." I chulcked darkly.

"I will kill you." His smirk never left and he seemed unfazed as his fingers started twirling a lock of my hair.

"Touché princess" 

Tainted handsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें