Carry me you peasents

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you were not happy...
you treasured your sleep ever since you were younger your mom couldn't wake you up.
so when your alarm went off you felt like jumping off the highest tower.
walking towards you saw the twins a little ways ahead of you. so like any normal person would do you shouted at them.
they immediately stopped and turned around when they heard your voice.
"princess how are you this lovely morning?" George had asked.
"i'm tired, carry me peasant" you tapped Fred's shoulder and he bent down for you to climb on.
once you were up you immediately laid your head down on his shoulder. as he was walking you were falling back asleep.
Fred had noticed that your breathing pattern changed and looked at George.
"seems like our princess didn't get enough sleep last night Georgie."
"she fell asleep?" he looked at your face and sure enough your eyes were shut.
they had arrived at the hall and headed over to their table.
George shook your shoulder to wake you while helping Fred put you down.
"y/n~ time to wake up..." you had woken up once you smelled the food in front of you.
everyone in the area of where you were had been staring.
why did the twins have a girl who was half asleep with them. a slytherin girl no less.
Lee Jordan then made an appearance and sat in front of the twins.
"aww what happened to our american princess"
"we reckon she didn't have a good sleep last night." George answered.
they had finally woke you up enough so you can eat breakfast.
"i didn't have a good sleep, Bean wouldn't quite moving around and didn't stop whining tell 2 in the fuckin morning...speaking of Bean."
you had let out a sharp whistle that startled everyone around you. then you started listening for his steps.
you heard a pounding steps and some yelps. then the door slammed open and a big black fur ball came bounding to you.
you raised from your seat and bent down to pet him.
"hey Bean did you have a good sleep because i didn't thanks to you."
you sat back down still facing Bean.
"hey Georgie, you think you can hand me a couple sausages and bacon? please."
George had gave you what you asked for while staring at your dog. Bean was huge he had been expecting something smaller considering his name.
you put the food in one hand and raised the other slightly above your head.
you snapped twice for Beans attention and put a piece of bacon in front of you.
he had let out a thundering bark that had everyone silent. but you paid no notice to this and gave Bean his treat. you started thinking of more commands. you thought of one but you had to stand on the table.
Professor Mcgonagall had been watching you and was about to yell at you to get down but Dumbledore stopped her. he had wanted to see what was going to happen.
Bean had stood on his hind legs and now everyone understood why you had to stand on the table.
Bean was as big as you were if you were standing on the ground.
you threw him another sausage and replaced it with bacon.
"Bean...up and follow" you had snapped your fingers to make sure he followed and kept the bacon in his line of sight.
once you got to the end of the table you gave him one last command. you had been working on this one for awhile.
Bean immediately walked towards your previous seat and took your bag in his mouth bringing it to you.
once he dropped your bag you threw the bacon in the air.
"Bean...CATCH" you had yelled that very last command and Bean leapt in the air catching it in his mouth. 
you had jumped off the table and brushed off imaginary dust off your skirt. you looked up and immediately noticed the stares.
'damn do these people have a staring problem or something'
"what, there is nothing to see here."
you walked back to the twins and Bean followed.
Fred looked at you then at Bean.
"i expected something smaller considering his name but those are some fancy tricks."
"oh yeah when i figured i was coming here i didn't want either of those pets the list said; besides i've had him since he was a puppy."
"bloody hell...that things a beast." a new voice came into play.
you looked over to the area it came from; and immediately noticed a red haired boy around your age staring at Bean.
"he isn't a beast you idiot, he's still a puppy so fuck off."
the twins bust up laughing when they saw the boys expression.
"aww Ronnykins are you scared of the big puppy" they said in unison.
"n-no i was just stating the obvious. he is a total beast."
you didn't take it lightly when people talked bad about your baby.
"he is not you act like he did something to you. he is an absolute sweetheart. he couldn't hurt a fly, then only time he "hurt" someone was when he got too excited and jumped on them. so unless i tell him to attack he won't do anything; and unless you have something useful to say i suggest you shut the hell up and focus on doing something with your life."
with that said you sat back down between the twins and kept eating.
"Merlins beard americans can be scary..." the boy, you now knew by the name of Ron, muttered.
looking up from your plate, you responded.
"we can be a whole lot scarier trust me."
"we'll take your word for it. i'm Harry Potter by the way."
you recognized him from the train car.
"oh you were the one i woke up in the train are you feeling by the way?"
Harry was shocked to find out it was you that helped him. everything was a bit fuzzy after fainting and he was guessing you were already out by the time everything cleared up.
"i remember you now you were the one who told us the fact about did you know that?" the girl next to him asked.
"well getting grounded a lot there really isn't a lot you can do so i read a whole lot of books. it help developed my memory skills. i think its called an eidetic's probably the reason i'm starting in 3rd year instead of getting stuck with first years."
"why would you get stuck with first years? didn't you go to the school in america?" she asked.
"well i guess you could call me a late bloomer, my magic didn't show signs tell last summer; and MACUSA still has this weird vendetta against no-majs so i wasn't allowed to be admitted into the school. but Dumbledore came and said i could come here. and well here i am."
you answered.
"so any questions..."
Ron was about to open his mouth but the twins swooped in before he could let any sound out.
"sorry to break up this lovely meeting-" Fred started.
"-but we would like our princess back if you don't mind." George finished.
you sighed once you heard the nickname and stood up.
"well it was nice talking with you Harry and..." you trailed off, you still haven't learned the girls name.
"Hermione, it was lovely talking to you as well..." she also trailed off
"Y/n" you gave her a friendly smile.
Harry then spoke up, "well if you ever need help or just want to hang out, you can find us"
"if these two behind me let me out of their sight then i will definitely take you up on that offer. oh one last thing, Ron try not making assumptions about something without knowing the full story."
with that said you turned around and started walking with the twins and Lee trailing behind you and Bean right next to you.
your classes started today and you wouldn't be able to expect what was in store.

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