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008 — TIED UP

008 — TIED UP

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Flynn awoke and immediately tried to look at his surroundings. He sighed frustrated as he realised he was once again tied up, he didn't understand why this kept happening to him. He pulled at his restraints testing to see if he could loosen them but they seemed to of been fastened quite tight. His hand brushed another causing him to crane his neck, he saw a mass of blonde hair and realised that the vampires must of taken Rapunzel too.

He cleared his throat as he quickly surveyed the area which looked like some sort of dungeon, looking around for any possible threats. "Psst. Punzy. Rapunzel..." He waited for a response but it seemed as though she was still unconscious.

For what seemed like hours Flynn hummed to himself as he looked around the dark dingy room for any sort of exits as he waited for someone to appear or Rapunzel to finally awake. He heard a small groan from behind him, he snapped his head to the side seeing the girl shift in her chair slightly before her head shot up in alarm.

Her panicked eyes darted around the room as the last thing she remembered was the two vampires closing in on her. She struggled against the binds before realising it was unless as her powers didn't seem to be working. Her thoughts were about to wonder on Flynn's whereabouts when the boy in question spoke up from behind her.

"Morning Sunshine." Rapunzel sighed in slight relief because even though they were both tied up not knowing who or what was coming for them at least they were together.

She felt his hands brush against her own as she smiled at the familiar feeling.

"Hey Blondie?" Flynn asked trying to peer over his shoulder at her face. She turned slightly as they both caught the side of each others face.

"Yeah Flynn?"

He smiled cheekily as he opened his mouth. "How does it feel?" He asked making her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"How does what feel?"

Flynn tried not to laugh as he spoke his next words. "How does it feel being knocked unconscious and tied up." He finally chuckled laughing at the irony of the situation as she had done a similar thing to him.

Rapunzel glared out the corner of her eye, snatching her hand away from his wishing she could actually hit him. "Hey, you deserved it!" She defended herself,

Flynn chocked. "I deserved it?! He gasped offended.

Rapunzel rolled her eyes at his childishness. "You broke into my house. So yeah you deserved it."

Flynn shrugged. "Well excuse me, for not thinking anyone would live in an overgrown tower in the middle of nowhere!"

"It was still my home!" Rapunzel said feeling offended that he spoke ill of her tower.

Flynn rolled his eyes exaggeratedly even though she couldn't see. "Potato, potato."

"Even being locked in a tower I know that's not how you say it." Rapunzel said knowing that you're not suppose to say the words in the exact same way.

Flynn cleared his throat as the humour left his voice, his tone dropping slightly. "Are you still going to go back?"

"To the tower?" She asked but knew what he meant.

"Yeah..." He asked again, thinking back to their almost kiss and whether or not that would affect her decision to stay.

"I mean I guess. I've experienced a small part of what it would be like to live out here and well I've got to go back to my own reality sometime." She told him as she had been thinking the same thing all day, she didn't want to go back, she would much prefer to stay but it was dangerous and this situation they are in right now would prove to her Mother why she shouldn't of ever left her tower in the first place, she didn't belong here even with Flynn by her side.

Rapunzel couldn't see Flynn's downcast expression as he turned away from her slightly. "But what about all of this." He asked her, but he really wanted to ask her what about himself, them, but he was scared of that answer, scared that she would want to leave him behind too.

"I-" Rapunzel paused as she thought about her next words carefully. "I don't know." She said honestly, "Maybe after all this, my Mother will see that I can handle myself and maybe she'll let me stay..."

Flynn snorted without meaning to. He knew it was suppose to be a serious reply but given the situation he couldn't help it. "Right cause after this she will totally not lock you in your tower for life. I'm sorry but if she's as crazy as I think she is...and I think she is, again no offence, anddd given the fact you hadn't left your tower once in the past how ever many 100 years, I'm guaranteeing that she's not likely to let you step a foot out of it ever again if she finds you before we manage to escape." He says matter of factly.

Rapunzel huffed knowing he was sort of right, her Mother would never let her out again if she found out, but this wasn't her fault. "This is your problem, I just happen to get dragged into it."

"No, no. You see, the way I see it. It's our problem Blondie."

Rapunzel turned her head again to try and look at him. "Explain to me how this" She tucked on the restraints to make a point. "Is our problem."

Flynn thought on it for a second before responding. "They wanted your hair, that doesn't seem like a me problem to me." He said simply stating the facts.

"Only because you, stole their stupid priceless jewellery and involved me in your-" Rapunzel got cut off by a voice entering the room.

"Now as much as I would love to listen to this lovers quarrel, I have other matters to attend to like my wayward family so let's make this quick shall we?." They spoke as Flynn stilled in his chair recognising the voice of the Klaus Mikaelson.


10k!!!! OMG thank you guys soooo much I never thought my books would ever get into the thousands like with my teen wolf fic I still can't believe people enjoy my writing, I love you guys so much thank you for supporting me ♥️♥️

sorry it's short I'm actually trying to drag it out as I'm not ready for the ending of this, I've already planned it just have to plan how I'm getting there.

I just thought this was a cute sort of filler chapter yk whilst I work out the logistics of how dahlia will come into this with Rapunzel and such, if you have any ideas on whereabouts in season 2 I should have this or any ideas on how Rapunzel finds out about Freya comment below.

let me know what you think and like, comment, share, follow for more ♥️

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