Ginny x Hermione Part 2

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Hi, sorry I've been inactive for awhile- This is going to be a Part 2 of the previous Ginny x Hermione fanfiction, because I really enjoyed writing the last one.

As usual, if you don't vibe, you can skip :)

Also, thank you so much to the 20 people who are still reading this, it means a lot.

This one is more about Hermione (I think). I refer to Ginny's eyes being blue- I'm talking about movie Ginny looks-wise.

Also please please pleaasssse give me feedback

Anyways, I hope you enjoy :D

Hermione wakes up early in the morning, to find Ginny Weasley snuggled into her chest. She smiles as the events of the previous night make their way back into her memory. Giving Ginny a peck on the forehead, she slips out of bed and sleepily walks to the bathroom, careful not to wake the redhead.

She grabs her toothbrush and hairbrush from her small bag, which is sitting next to the bathroom sink. As she does her morning routine, she pictures the beautiful ginger haired girl, sleeping peacefully next to her. Hermione pictures her beautiful face, her small red freckles, her pale skin, her rosy cheeks, and her lips...

Hermione splashes cold water on her face, pondering her feelings. Does she actually like Ginny? Is this just a crush? Or is this something more?

As if on cue, Hermione hears a small knock on the door.

"Hermione? Are you in there?" asks a soft voice. Hermione recognizes this voice as Ginny's.

"Yeah, come in," Hermione responds, brushing her unruly hair.

The doorknob turns, and slowly, the door opens and Ginny enters. She leans on the door frame sleepily, and rubs her tired eyes. "What time is it? It feels early." she says.

Hermione looks at the clock. "7 o'clock," she replies.

Ginny stands for a moment, admiring the brunette, before leaving to go back to her room.

A few minutes later, Hermione returns to the room, and finds Ginny sitting on her bed, examining the book they read the previous night. Ginny looks up from the book. "Good book, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was really interesting," Hermione says. "How did you sleep?"

Ginny puts the book back on her bookshelf. "I slept really well," she paused. "You're really comfortable..." she says, her face flushing a rosy pink color.

Hermione nervously fidgets, a furious crimson shade spreading on her cheeks.

She looks up and she and Ginny lock eyes for a moment, faces both red, and she watches as Ginny unconsciously bites her lower lip. Butterflies erupt in Hermione's stomach.

They both look away, and Ginny walks over to her dresser. She picks up some clothes, and a brush, and she walks to the bathroom to change.

Hermione watches the girl as she leaves, then plumps down on the bed, lost in thought.

Ginny quickly hurries into the bathroom and shuts the door, flopping down on the ground.

What was that, Ginny?  She thinks to herself. 'You're really comfortable'? Really?

She puts her red face in her hands, unable to stop thinking about the affect Hermione has on her.

Ginny stands up and begins to change. She pulls off her top, leaving her in her pajama shorts and plain black bra.

The door swings open.

"Hey Ginny, I-"

Hermione's breath catches in her throat as she enters. There's Ginny- standing in the middle of the bathroom in all her pale glory- wearing only a bra on top.

Hermione feels an all too familiar blush blossom on her cheeks again, as Ginny, face red as ruby, hurriedly tries to pull on a shirt.

Hermione just stands at the door, admiring the beautiful girl in front of her, wanting to touch her pale skin, to hold her perfect curves, to look into her amazing blue eyes, to kiss her soft lips...

Realizing what she's thinking, Hermione's blush increases as she clumsily rushes out of the bathroom.

Hermione once again sits on the bed, and butterflies swarm in her stomach as she struggles to erase the picture of Ginny out of her mind.

Ginny returns to the room, now wearing a baggy T-shirt and leggings. She slumps down on the bed next to Hermione and lays back. She watches Hermione, who appears to be deep in thought, before sitting up.

"Watcha thinkin about?" she asks Hermione, while lightly drawing circles on her back with her finger. The brunette sucks in a sharp breath at the pale girl's touch.

"It's nothing," she replies.

Ginny moves her hand from Hermione's back and places it on her thigh. She rests her head on Hermione's shoulder, and sighs. "You sure?" she asks.

Hermione turns towards Ginny, causing her to lift her head and take her hand of Hermione's thigh.

The brunette looks into Ginny's blue eyes, and brushes her read hair with her fingers. Cupping Ginny's face, she leans forward, and softly presses her lips onto Ginny's. Warmth floods Ginny's body at Hermione's kiss. She leans into it, and the kiss continues- its delicate, yet passionate.

Ginny reaches her hand behind Hermione's head and pulls her closer, deepening the kiss.

Ginny sucks in a sharp breath as Hermione reaches her hand under Ginny's shirt, holding her waist, and pulling her closer. Her touch on the pale girl's skin causes Ginny's insides to flutter with warmth.

Hermione, realizing what she's doing, quickly pulls away.

"I'm sorry, I- I wasn't thinking..." she stutters.

Hermione begins walking away, and looks back at Ginny, who's blushing wildly. Hermione feels herself melt looking at the girl.

Ginny's perfect lips form into a small smile as she reaches out for Hermione's hand.

Hermione hesitates, but gives Ginny her hand.

Ginny pulls Hermione back to her, and stands up, their faces only an inch apart.

Ginny presses her lips onto Hermione's, and grabs Hermione's hips, pulling her closer. Hermione breaks the kiss to place small, soft kisses on Ginny's neck, while leading her over to the bed. The brunette sits down and places Ginny on top of her, so she's straddling her.

Hermione leans back in to kiss Ginny again, this time her hand brushing lightly on the red haired girl's inner thigh. Ginny lets out a shaky breath into the kiss, and grasps Hermione's hair, tugging it slightly.

Hermione, hand still on the redhead's thigh, returns to kissing Ginny's neck. She places soft pecks down to her collarbone and back up to her jaw. She pulls away, and looks at Ginny, locking eyes with the blushing girl. The both smile slightly, and after sitting there for a few moments, they simultaneously flop over, giggling, so they're laying on the bed, facing each other as they had the night before.

Hermione looks at Ginny, how her deep blue eyes shine brightly.

They lay there for a few moments, before one of them speaks.

"Should we head down for breakfast?" Ginny says in a whisper.

Hermione looks at the beautiful girl lying beside her, running her fingers through her red hair.

"I love you Ginny Weasley" she says, so softly it could barely be heard.

"I love you too, Hermione," Ginny said back, pressing her forehead against Hermione's, and closes her eyes, feeling safe in Hermione's arms.

1203 words

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