Ginny X Hermione

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This story doesn't take place during any particular time, it's just kind of something I wanted to get out of my head :D

This one is going to be a Hermione X Ginny fanfiction, if you don't vibe, you can just skip :)

Hermione is staying with the Weasleys for Ron's birthday weekend, and is sharing a room with Ginny.

The art is not mine, sadly

Also I'm so happy, it may not seem like much, but 13 reads is big to me so thank you so much 

Anyways I'm done now, I hope you enjoy the story :D

The Weasley's House (Ron's birthday party)

Ginny bounds up the stairs to her room, and knocks on the door with the back of her hand. 

"Hermione, are you almost done getting changed?" she says.

Ginny hears shuffling around in the room. "Almost," Hermione responds. "You can come in."

"Alright," Ginny says, as she slowly opens the door. Ginny peers into her room. Hermione is standing in the center of it, wearing a beautiful violet colored dress, with the back open. "Zip me up, will you?" Hermione says. 

Ginny feels a blush creeping on her face as she brushes Hermione's soft brown hair aside, and slowly zips up the dress.

Once the dress is zipped up, Hermione walks over to a mirror and peers into it, double checking to make sure she looks presentable. Ginny stands off to the side, admiring the beauty of the brunette haired girl; the way the dress fits her perfectly, and hugs her body in just the right places, the way her soft hair falls down her back and over her shoulders like a waterfall. Hermione does a quick twirl, the light fabric on the skirt of her dress flowing gracefully.

"You look amazing," Ginny says. Hermione giggles, and smiles at the ground. She steals a glance at Ginny. "You too," she says, before grabbing the redhead's hand and pulling her quickly down the stairs to the party. 

Loud music is playing when they reach the living room. Fred is sending small fireworks around the room with his wand, while Harry and George laugh at a corny joke Mr. Weasley makes. Ron is standing in the middle of the room, with his arms crossed, and a ridiculous orange party hat on his head to match his fiery hair. His mother is fiddling with his bow tie, all while telling him how proud she is and how grown he looks.

Hermione releases Ginny's hand from her grasp, and walks over to Ron to wish him a happy birthday. Ginny watches her as she laughs with her friends, her smile seemingly lighting up the whole room. 

A new song begins to play; a song that they all know. Ginny notices as Hermione attempts to drag her two friends into the center of the room, trying to persuade them to dance with her. Harry and Ron try to resist, but give in nevertheless. 

Ginny bops her head to the music, a cup of water in her hand, watching the group dancing to the music. Harry is relatively uncoordinated when it comes to dancing, and is moving rather stiffly, Ron the same.

Ginny keeps her eyes on Hermione, who's happily dancing to the music; her dress is flowing with every little movement and twirl, her curls bouncing on her shoulders, and her eyes are sparkling with pure delight. 

As Hermione begins to make her way over to Ginny, Ginny looks down at the water in her cup. "C'mon, why don't you join us?" Hermione asks, smiling. Ginny looks up at her, and simply can't say no. She places her cup down on a nearby table and joins Hermione and the rest of the group on the dancefloor.

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