Quackity pov

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Ok so we basically just jumped up
Then we grabbed them
And we ran outside while holding onto them 😏😏😏
Then we shoved them into our cars and locked the doors so they could not escape MWHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Dream dropped his keys oh no ;-;
They're somewhere in the snow
Thank goodness we have snow dogs with us
Well I mean they were free soooo....
So we put leashes on Jeannita and Danny then made them sniff around the yard covered in snow to try and find dreams keys
Everyone was still taking videos lmao
So then after like thirty years they found his keys and then we shoved the dogs back into the cars
As we drove away I said "dream turn insomnia *********ON********* some music plz"
So he turned on the radio full blast to SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY
And we turned it up so loud and sang along to it while the dogs cried in the back ahaha

Quackity, Dream, Jeannita, DannyWhere stories live. Discover now