he's cute

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                          Your Outfit(if you dont like it you can change it) :)

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                          Your Outfit
(if you dont like it you can change it) :)


'So this is your school?' I ask Demetri while parking my car. Today is my first day at my new school. Me and Demetri are cousins but we don't really look like it.

'Mhm, this is it. You can hang out with my friends and stuff at lunch since you don't really know anyone yet.' He replied while getting his stuff and heading out. I nodded and got my stuff and headed out as well.

Demetri and I have all of our classes together which is great. He then lead me to my first class and then the others. Class was quite boring, but the time went by fast.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I was excited but nervous to meet Demetris friends.

What if their dorks?

What if they are really hot?

When I entered the lunch room is was crowded. I brought my own lunch but Demetri didn't so I waited by the wall for about 1 minute so he could get his lunch. He then came over to me and lead me to his table.

I saw two boys. One had dark brown hair and the other, the other one was so cute. He had dirty blonde hair and a scar on his lip. That was so cute and fascinating.

'Ok y/n, these are my friends,' he pointed to the dark haired boy, "This is Miguel." Miguel then waved at me with a smile.

"Nice to meet you y/n."

"Same to you," I said while smiling back.

Then Demetri pointed to the other boy.

"This is Eli. He is quite shy though."

Eli then blushed and gave me a small smile, but then covered his lip. Bro. I might as well just say something.

'You don't have to cover it.' I say while sitting next to him. "I think it's really cute."

I then saw him go red and uncover it. Miguel and Demetri then looked at me wide eyed.
I gave them a sarcastic smile and then ate my lunch.

The bell rang and I waved goodbye to them.

"Did you really just say that?!" Demetri said while walking toward our next class.

"I might as well not be pussy when it comes towards him." I said while smiling.

"Speaking of pussys, here you go," he handed me a flyer from his bag. It was a flyer about Cobra Kai. I used to do karate but then I quit since I had to move.

"You should join, if you want. Miguel is the only one who joined. I do not want to go back there ever because of the incident I had, but Eli wants to try again sometime."

"I might consider it," I say while walking into class.

𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ; 𝖊.𝖒.Where stories live. Discover now