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"So, who was the girl yesterday?" the red head, Tendou asked the younger who mentally cried but decided to act oblivious

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"So, who was the girl yesterday?" the red head, Tendou asked the younger who mentally cried but decided to act oblivious. His other teammates nodded in agreement to Tendou's question as they all got changed for practice wondering if the girl would show up. Wakatoshi had just walked in and couldn't care less about what they were discussing. "Who?" Goshiki acted confused but the others gave him a 'really' look. "You know the girl who has hair kind of like semi-semi, the one who kept flirting with miracle boy over there." Tendou laughed and Goshiki sighed.

"Oh that was Matsumoto Akari, my neighbour we grew up together." He told them as he put on his t-shirt. "She's really funny I like her." Tendou smiled looking at Ushijima to see if he would react in anyway. "She is not funny." Ushijima spoke heading out the door to begin practice. Tendou shrugged his shoulders knowing Ushijima wouldn't find people like her funny.

Akari snuck into the practice rather quietly remembering her promise to Goshiki yesterday. Goshiki had made her promise she wouldn't embarrass him anymore. "Hey coach." She sat beside the coach giving him a tooth grin which was ignored; meh who cares she was here for Ushijima Wakatoshi. Yes, she had found out his full name and what class he was courtesy of throwing a tantrum in the middle of the street until Goshiki had told her.

She watched as Goshiki managed to make a spike pass the red head earning his team to catch up to the opponents. She had always admired Goshiki's love for volleyball occasionally helping him by throwing the ball when she had nothing else to do. Watching Ushijima made her understand why the younger boy had idolised him so much. Each spike being more powerful than the last and she wondered how the volleyball managed not to burst.

As Ushijima went to respond to the high five the red haired gave him, he caught the eyes of the grey-haired girl watching with large pupils in shock, She gave him a wide grin and a wave but he didn't reply to either of them and turned his face to focus on Goshiki who was ready to spike again. Not taking the fact that she was ignored she stood up on the bench, using her hands to cup around her mouth to louden her voice. "Ushijima-san you look very hot when spiking the ball." She shouted leaning forward and the coach who sat beside her looked at her wondering if she was embarrassed at all.

Ushijima furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance at the brown eyed girl who was attempting to distract him. Instead, she had distracted Goshiki who was in the air spiking making him miss the ball as he glared at the elder girl who had seemed to have forgotten her promise. Akari widened her eyes giving him an apologetic smile before sitting back down and taking out the maths homework she had been given.

Eventually the game ended resulting in Goshiki losing to his idol by five points; better than the first time he played against them. "Goshiki darling you were amazing!" Akari cheered running to her friend giving him a side hug no longer able to pick him up like she would when they were younger. Goshiki cockily replied with an 'I know,' making her scoff. "I'm gonna go talk to ushi now." She let out an evil giggle running to the older boy who sat on the bench chugging down some water. Ushijima looked up at her as he continued to wipe the sweat which ran down his neck. Dang papi she thought.

"Hello ushijima-san." She smiled, shockingly receiving a short 'hello' as a reply. Ushijima may not have reacted to her flirting, but he was taught manners responding to anyone who greeted him. Akari sat beside him, her hands cupping her cheeks continuing to watch his every move. Ushijima looked at her raising his eyebrows confused as to why she was watching him so intently and avoided eye contact with her brown orbs which seemed to sparkle as she watched him.

"So what are your hobbies?" Akari asked hoping to start a conversation. "Volleyball." He replied almost instantly. "No other than volleyball." Akari dramatically sighed wanting to know his interests so she could find more pickup lines to tell him. "I don't have one." With that Ushijima got up and began to walk away. "Maybe I can be your new hobby." She spoke slightly louder and the entire hall turned silent. Her promise to Goshiki had seemingly gone down the drain for the second time and she could feel his glares while Ushijima continued to walk away not caring what she said.

She puffed her cheeks in annoyance being ignored for the second time today, if it had been any other guy, they probably would have become cocky or reacted in some way. Ushijima was clearly interesting. Akari could still feel Goshiki's glares on her and she avoided eye contact as much as possible looking at the crease on her skirt like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

On the other hand, the rest of the team looked at Ushijima in shock wondering how he didn't react to a line like that, his face looking monotone as always. Tendou rubbed his chin wondering if the younger boy had not understood the joke and made a note to ask later.

When the two had reached their dorm room he was about to call out to Ushijima when the said boy called out to him instead. "Tendou, what did Matsumoto-kun mean by doing me, I'm not something which can be done," he stated and the older shook his head. "She meant it sexually wakatoshi." He looked at the boy wondering if he would have to explain further. Ushijima simply nodded his head before opening the magazine to read some ads.

Well I hope you liked the chapter.
I just had to write an ushi book because im whipped for him.

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