8. Xanxus wakes up

Start from the beginning

Lussuria walked in a little messy, "I'm back~"

Harry's eyes widened, "Lussuria - san, you are hurt."

Lussuria huffed, "Don't worry honey, it's not my blood."

Tsuna was hesitant to just leave it, "Are you sure, Luss - nii?"

Lussuria squealed inside but spoke firmly, "Of course dear, let me just clean up. Thank you for the care though, I appreciate it."

Chrome nodded a bit unsure, "If you need help Luss - nii, just tell us."

Lussuria pat her head, "Of course sweetie, I will. You all are so adorable."

Belphegor, "Ushi shi shi shi shi! The Prince is back."

Tsuna laughed playfully answering, "Welcome back, my Prince."

Fran, "Don't encourage him Tsu - chan."

Belphegor, "Ushi shi shi. I have not practised knife throw today."

One thing that had amused Harry was finding out Belphegor was honest to sanity, part of the royal family. And it was not just any royalty but one of the direct lines of the French royal family from the fifteenth century. Belphegor had been surprised too learning that tidbit, he had known he was part of nobility but not direct royalty. It had made the whole Varia interested and distracted them from their situation for a while. It had taken a whole week but the combined strength of the four Skies had melted away the ice enough to take Xanxus out. There was still a large chunk left but Harry decided to keep it, as long as the whole ice didn't disappear no one would realize Xanxus was free. The Varia had grumbled but agreed with the plan and focused on helping their Sky instead.

Reborn, "Food for thought?"

Harry hummed, "Yes, a bit, just thinking about the past few years is all."

Reborn looked at his Sky who did not look older than twenty, 'Magical genes! Though I have no place to grumble considering flames have the same effect.'

Reborn, "Well my forever young Sky, allow me to accompany you today."

Harry laughed, "Of course, my dear bright Sun."

Xanxus was in a limbo, he could hear voices, he could not figure out what was said but he recognized them. His elements were close by, and that helped him relax as he rested and regained his energy. From time to time, he could feel warm Sky Flames flow through his body soothing him, strengthening him and calming him down. He felt four different types of Sky Flames and he wondered where in Vongola's name they came from, he didn't recognize them at all. One was matured and calming, the second one was just entering maturity and soothing and the last two were young and accepting. Xanxus woke up in intervals, first his mind, then after a few days his body, he could move his fingers and toes. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see a brown fluffy haired teen sending the soothing Flames to him through his hand.

Xanxus tried to talk, "Hey tra... ", he started coughing.

Tsuna opened his eyes hearing coughing, "Xanxus - nii, you are awake. I'm so glad, we were worried about you. Here have some water."

Xanxus drank before talking, "Nii? I'm in Japan? How?"

Tsuna smiled at him, "Your Squad sneaked you out."

Xanxus' lips twitched but he did not smile, nope, "Is that so?"

A familiar voice could be heard, "VOI! You bratty Mist. That's my sushi."

An unfamiliar one, "Ku fu fu fu fu fu! I don't see your name on it sword - chan."

Xanxus, "Heh! Sounds like they are having fun."

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