Chapter 27

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I was trying to stay calm for the rest of the day because I don't want my cousin to ask about why I returned a bit late at the cafe. My aunt was washing the dishes after we ate dinner and I wanted to run to my room so my cousin won't bother me.

As I was about to leave, my aunt called me because she needed to take the call from the telephone. I don't want to wash the dishes because I am going to get questioned by my cousin.

" Don't worry mom I'll wash the dishes myself!" My cousin said with a jolly expression.

Suspicious but I took this advantage to run off towards my room and lock the door from behind. I definitely have the feeling that something might happen but it doesn't matter because for now I must focus on my alibis if ever she questions me someday.

I looked at my phone and saw a notification that showed a friend request. It was Luffy and my heart skipped a beat and also I was quite surprised. I didn't know what to do but I definitely pushed the accept button and I also got a notification that I was added in a chat which consists of me Law and Luffy.


Now I am pumped on how to get Luffy away from Law because I am a pro when it comes to chat.
Luffy was the first person to chat and say hello. I replied with a hi and I was happy that Law is such a slow person in typing.

I made this gc so we can get to know each other more😁😊

I already know a lot about you Luffy-ya

I meant all of us 😄😆

That's nice for you to do this munchkin 🥰

I chuckled as I intentionally added the emoji and I was hoping for a good response from Luffy but Law was the one who that chatted

Don't worry Luffy-ya. We will be knowing each other properly from now on. 🥳

I laughed as I saw the emoji that Law added and he was like a stupid guy who's trying to act all funny. Law replied to himself,

Sorry wrong emoji

I'm glad that the both of you are happy with this😁I was nervous while making this gc 😂

No need to get nervous munchkin, I won't bite 😜

I am not mean towards you Luffy-ya so you don't have to worry.

I stalked Luffys profile and I saw posts about his brothers and about his friends. He was always smiling and he looks cute in every picture. But I decided to save one picture from his timeline and returned to our group chat.

So does anyone know a good place to hang out🤔

How about in the cinema

Lame. There's a theme park located in this city and its pretty much awesome👌😎

Well the cinema is nice and the theme park is also nice

I waited for Luffys response and wished that he'd prefer the theme park rather than the cinema.

How about we do both. It's fun to do lots of things

I agree with that munchkin🥰

Definitely cool with it

I smiled as I was imagining where Luffy and I are hanging out with each other in the theme park. I am definitely going to show that I am much greater than Law and so I searched for ways how-to-boost -the- chances-of-getting-your - crush-to - notice - me sort of stuffs.


I was satisfied by the decision of Luffy about where we are going to hang out but that jerks theme park suggestion got included too. I already searched for upcoming movies that are in the cinema especially the horror movies because I like to surprise Luffy and eventually he would grab my hand.

I would always like to see Luffy and I also want to see how he makes a lewd face again-

I slapped my face and got myself back in reality. I don't have to think such lewd thoughts and focus on how I win Luffy over from that jackass. He is charismatic and all but he lacks the brain to make wise decisions.
I looked out my window and I noticed at a nearby Cafe facing my window. I also noticed a man with blonde hair who seemed to stare at our house. Or even more specific, he was looking at my room and I was weirded out by this so I covered my window with the curtains and decided to think that it was a misunderstanding.

As I got back to my phone, I notice an unread message and it was from Kid. He literally is the last person who has the guts to message me and I was expecting for Luffy.

Hey Prince Charming, Luffy is going to be in danger if you don't help

What are you talking about jerk?

Just kidding. It's about Luffy who's going to spend with time with his 'group mates' tomorrow.

I paused and thought of it and why does Kid message me just because Luffy is going to have a group activity. I mean I am going to know it too and Luffy will tell me about it.

So? What's my business with it?

I think we better get ready for tomorrow because the place their having a group activity is kinda skecthy.

Send me the location then.

Kid sent me a picture of a place where it was mostly delinquents and gangs. Graffitis on the wall of the buildings and boarded up windows pretty much indicates that the place is dangerous.

So you wanna help or not

Stop trying to act so nice. It gives me the creeps jerk.


I kinda did this chapter a bit lazily (u can observe on why i did some of the dialogues in a chat way)

and I am currently watching the new episodes of one piece which boosts my interest to continue this story.
(if u saw the new intro then you'll spot the three of them and I really kept repeating it 😂)

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