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3rd person's p.o.v

"Do we have to go?" A boy with with silver to blonde hair with little strokes of green to be seen asked. Beside him was a girl that also had silver to blonde hair with green just between the two (thought the green is barely visible if you aren't looking for it) and a small horn on the right side of her forehead. They were both complaining to there father about not wanting to go to junior high school but he was not having it.

"Yes. We have been through this already. If you want to get into that hero school then you have to some sort of outside school for at least 2 months."

"Then why don't we go next month?" The girl questioned.

"Because we wouldn't be doing anything for a whole month and it's best if you get acquainted with the schooling environment since you'll be having 10 months as break to train." Their father countered.

The two 11 year olds sighed in defeat. They knew they wouldn't win as their father made extremely valid points. It would be hard to come up with something else to make him change his mind and so, this is how they found themselves in front of the large building called Aldera Junior High.

They walked down the hallway getting weird looks and whispers from students all around. They couldn't blame them thought, two kids with the same hair color just waltzed into the school with the same uniform 3 months before end of year.

The pair continued walking, ignoring everyone around them and focused on finding the Principal's office. After 15 minutes with the man they made there way to the classroom.

"I already have a headache." The boy known as Izuku stated.

"You're not alone." The girl known as Eri sighed.

The teacher was waiting for them at the door and told them to wait until he called them.

"Alright class settle down. As I'm sure you've all heard we have 2 new students joining our class today. Be nice. You may enter now."

The class watched as two kids their age entered. The boy had unruly silver to blonde hair with a few streaks of green seen. He had diamond shaped freackles on each cheek and green eyes with specks of blue and red seen. The girl also had silver to blonde waist length hair and red eyes with specks of green and blue seen with a horn on the right side of her forehead.

"Please introduce yourselves." The teacher said. They both nodded.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"I'm Eri Hassaikai."

Most of the kids stared in confusion while one stared in disbelief.

"Now, any questions for them? If so raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hands which earned a quiet sigh from the two. The teacher told them they could choose whoever they wanted so they chose to pick alternatively between them  with Izuku going first.

"Are you two twins? If so why the different names? "

"Yes we are. We each have a parent name as to not cause confusion. As so I kept our mother's name and she kept our father's. Next"

'Not really. We just don't want you all to know we are Liones'

"What are your quirks?" This caught the entire class attention which earned another quite sigh from the two.

"My quirk is called rewind. As its name, I'm able to rewind anything to what it was before or rewind it out of existence." The class started with mixed emotions. So of awe others of fear and the few of envy.

"My quirk is telekinesis. As it is I'm able to move things with my mind. At the moment I'm only able to lift one house before headaches but with more training I'll be able to do more." Two say the class was shocked would be an understatement. Two more powerful quirks in their school.

"Alright that's enough. The two empty seats at the back are yours." The teacher interjected but you could hear the smugness in his voice, after all, he just got two more powerful students in his class which caused the two to scoff, not even trying to hide their displeasure. As the two were walking, an ash blonde with red eyes and an almost permanent scowl looked got up and stood directly infront of the two.


Izuku blinked twice before looking back at his sister who shrugged her shoulders.

"Excuse me?" Izuku decided to speak up.

"You're Deku, aren't you?"

Izuku looked at the blonde as if he'd grown two heads.

"Ok then." Izuku stated before pushing the blonde to the side and continued on short journey to his chair.

"Where have you been all those years. You just one day up and left without saying anything." Izuku turned back to the blonde before looking at his sister who shrugged her shoulders again while shaking her head.

"Sorry but when have absolutely no idea who you are."

"B-"  The blonde never finished.

"Listen. We don't know who you are and we honestly don't care. It makes no sense to tell you where we've been since we aren't even acquaintances. We don't owe you anything so leave us the hell alone." Eri snapped at him.

The class and teacher stared at the interaction with great interest and surprise. No one has ever talked back to Katsuki Bakugo as he was considered to be the strongest in the school and most likely to be a pro hero. But yet here we have the new girl who seemed to not even care. This was when the teacher decided to diffuse the situation.

"Bakugo, please don't bother the new kids. They need time to settle. Izuku and Eri please continue to your seats."

Eri huffed and continued walking. All three taking their seats.

"I guess this is our life for the next three months huh." Izuku stated depressingly.

"Yeah. That Bakugo kid sure is annoying. And we have to do this for the next three months." Eri stated in the same voice. Both let out a sigh before looking at each other and letting out a small chuckle.

"At least we're together." Izuku stated with a warm smile that only those who he was close to were able to see.

"Yeah. We'll always be together. No matter what." Eri smiled back and just like her brother, only those close to her are ever able to see it.

With this promise, they both decide to try and pay attention, even though they had already learnt this courtesy of Merlin.
I'm continuing this book.

I don't have an update schedule so I update at random.

I know there are similar books, so I am going to try and make this as unique as possible.

I would really like for you to support my other MHAxSDS book  Spirit Spears

That all I have to say so toodles~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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