Once we got there, Yade immediately wanted to turn around.

"No, you get back here!" I told her annoyed, grabbing her arm and dragging her back. I pulled her so she stood in front of Ashton and me next to her to supervise, as you could call it.

"Okay, you two are going to talk this out and you are not leaving this place until you two can at least be in the same room without ending up with yelling or bitchiness or whatever. Understood?" God, I felt like a mother telling her kids what to do...


"No buts, even if we have to stay here until midnight, I will. Now. Talk." I said, crossing my arms and looking from Ashton to Yade and back.

"I'm sorry for not just accepting your apology." Ashton started after a bit, giving me the hope this wouldn't take as long as I thought it would.

Yade crossed her arms as well and seemed to be considering saying something, which she eventually did, "Okay. I accept that apology and I'm sorry I blew up and told you to fuck off and all... That wasn't really nice of me."

Ashton nodded as they both looked a bit guilty by now, Ashton more than Yade.

"Do you think we could start over? Sort of?" Ashton suggested.

"Hmm, I think I could give you a fair chance." Yade said, which made both me and Ashton look even more hopeful. "But this doesn't mean we're friends." She quickly added, as she saw Ashton's face change.

"I know. Just maybe, less bitchiness?"

"I ain't bitchy! That's sass mister, learn to live with it!" Yade said as she tried to hide a small smile that was forming.

"Alright, alright."

I let out a deep breath of relieve. "Good. Now, let's get back to our table and continue this good behaviour."

They both rolled their eyes me, which caused me to shake my head as I took the lead to get back to our table, where everyone was still talking to each other as if nothing had happened.

After that I was surprised they even managed to have a small conversation at the table, which also surprised Michael apparently, as I had mentioned it to him when we were talking.

"So, they just... They're friends now?" Michael asked, looking at the two, who were currently explaining something to Maya as it seemed, in disbelief.

"No. Or well, Yade said something like they weren't yet, but they're on good terms I guess."

"Alright." He nodded, still seeming a bit unconvinced as I also had a small part in me that wasn't really believing this. If I had known all it took to get them to be nice to each other was some guidance, I would have done that ages ago.

It was not much later that some teacher announced it was time to get ready for the night, as they wanted us to rest properly and blah blah.

We all got up, waiting for one another, before slowly making our way out of the cafeteria.

"I'm happy we at least have this together!" Maya told me, giving me a quick side hug as we were walking behind Michael, Calum and Luke.

"Me too." I told her genuinely, smiling at her before realizing something. "Do you know where we need to go to? Like, were we sleep and all?"

"Eh... If I remember correctly we got the drama room."

"Hm, makes sense since it's quite big."

"Yeah, though I'm not sure if everyone fits in there..." Maya said, more as if she was talking to herself while thinking about it, but I replied anyway. "If not they'll tell us where to go to there. I'm sure."

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