The people milling outside walked inside the house to get more drinks or to dance or hook up with whatever chick was eating their face.

Andrea got pinned to the wall and I got grabbed from behind. "How nice of you to bring us a new bird. Shes going to be in our record books." cooed Reece. Recently was another one of Dante's friends that I made sure to stay away from even when I was dating Dante. Something about him just seemed off.

Dante started kissing up and down my neck. I could smell the alcohol with every breath he took. I started clawing at his hands. He easily over powered me and pushed me against the wall. All I saw from the corner of my eye was Dante get tackled to the floor.

It was two against one there was no way my saviour was going to survive this. I saw the curly locks of hair and I was in disbelief. Why would he of all people come to help me. I waited for Søren to come out the door for Andrea but he never came. I watched as Reece ran off into the house.

I moved myself against the wall to grab Andrea's hand. She was shaking so much. She clung to me tightly as we both watched on in fear. Adrian reared his head towards us as he pinned Dante down. "Find Søren," he stated.

I wanted to protest. He was getting hurt and Dante wasn't someone to fuck with so easily. He'd hurt you after he took a beating to give you it back tenfold.

"Go," he all but growled as his grip got broken. I tugged Andrea inside and hastily searched the crowd for Søren. I saw his lanky ass standing in a corner looking around. Probably looking for Adrian and Andrea. I pushed through the crowds making sure not to lose my grip on Andrea.

"Søren!" I called out. His eyes met mine in a scowl before they briefly changed into a more sincere, worried expression. When we were within arms length, he pulled us behind him. It was weird helping Andrea and being protected by foreigners.

We heard a crashing sound. Glass littered the floor and Adrian was lying on the floor in the middle of it. Dante walked in wiping the blood from his nose. He wasn't fairing too well.

Adrian was lying there. "Get up," I whispered to myself over and over. I didn't care if the other two heard me. I felt a wave of what I thought was panic wash over me. Dante went to walk passed and I saw Adrian pull a move I hadn't seen before. Within seconds the tables had turned and Dante was on the floor, his face pushed into the glass.

Adrian turned him over and with one last blow, Dante was out cold. Adrian stood, his hair flopping into his face. His breaths were heavy and ragged. I watched him spit on the ground. "Pussy," he stated clearly.

As people started to gossip and file out of the house, Adrian made his way over. Hi hand was already fishing through his pockets as he roughly grabbed my arm. He tugged me behind him as he left the house, his phone was pressed to his ear as he asked for a taxi. Søren and Andrea were behind us although Andrea was getting treated like a princess and being treated to a piggyback ride.

We were a street away from Dante's house when we got into the taxi that was waiting. Adrian let go of my arm and stared out the window. None of us said a word. How could we after what just happened.

It was only when we arrived at the hotel that the boys decided that Adrian would swap with Andrea so we would be better protected.

Adrian sat down on the bed closest to the hotel room door and hissed as he flexed his hand. "Dont move," I instructed as I got the small med kit from the bathroom. When I got back, Adrian had shifted into a more relaxed sitting position.

He still seemed pissed off. Are Australians hot blooded or something. I pushed his hair out of the way with my headband and started tending to his wounds.

I wiped the blood that had run down his face. The cut above his eyebrow was small but it bled profusely. "You're lucky I heard what they were saying," he muttered. I kept silent as he said about the disgusting things that Reece wanted to do to Andrea. I felt my heart sink just before he started saying about Dante. I felt the heat radiate off of Adrian as he started getting worked up again.

"Its over now," was all I could say as I placed a plaster over the newly disinfected cut. He didn't even flinch at the disinfectant. How weird.

"Take your shirt off you may have glass.." before I could finish that sentence, he removed... rather ripped the black shirt off of his body. I saw the cuts that littered his skin. I took the tweezers and tried to pull out the glass from where I was standing. Instead he pulled me to sit on his lap.

I tried to calm my racing heart. I pulled out the small bits of glass from his skin and put them on the table next to the bed. "That was too risky, you don't know who Dante is or how powerful he actually is." I started scolding him. I was hoping that scolding him would take my mind off of his large, warm hand that was holding my weight against him.

His forest green eyes were burning with emotions that I couldn't tell apart. "I don't care, I needed you safe," he voiced. His voice was low and smooth as he brought one hand up to cradle my face.

Why would he need me safe? Dante wouldn't actually do shit to me. Adrian shouldn't care, I've seen him with so many other girls throughout the years. I hated to think of who would've touched him where.

We were silent then, breaths in sync with each others and our stare unwavering. I pulled Adrian into a feverish kiss. What was I doing?

He laid down with me on top of him, not break out kiss. "Are you sure?" he asked, pulling away from our kiss. I just responded by kissing him.

I felt the zipper of my dress being undone and I let myself go. I let myself give my all to Adrian.

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