Y/n L/n has entered the chat

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'fuckin aye...'
you looked at your surroundings, you were currently at platform 9 3/4. first thing you noticed was the amount if families there.
parents were tearing up that their babies were leaving home for a couple months. you felt jealous if those kids. your parents were happy to send you away.
you were a no-maj born...or as the british say a muggle-born.
apparently in england you were 11 when you started showing signs of magic.
you? you didn't show any sign tell the age 13. you had accidentally set your little sister's hair on fire when she made you mad.
by the time you were on the train you noticed almost all compartments were filled.
looking through the window of one you saw it only had three people in it. you opened the door, "do you guys mind if i sit here? everywhere else is full."
the boys were thrown off by your accent. it was definitely different then what they were used to.
"sure love, we don't mind" one of the twins said.
you smiled at them thankful you didn't have to deal with snobby people.
"um..let me introduce myself, i'm y/n l/n"
you stuck your hand out to the boy with dreadlocks first.
"Lee Jordan please to meet you this is Fred and thats George"
he pointed to the twins, pointing out who was who.
you immediately turned your head to focus on there face. your eyes moved all over studying each feature.
you noticed George had a slightly crooked nose and Fred's face was slightly more pointed.
"nice to meet you boys"
Fred had smirked "so you're an american"
you raised an eyebrow at that sentence
"what gave it away the clothes or the accent" (up top) you smirked.
the boys all laughed but stopped when everything went dark and the train stopped.
"are we there?" you had asked with a look of confusion.
"we shouldn't be, we still have a bit to go" Lee had answered.
you stood up and opened the door, your curiosity was getting the best of you. you walked out towards the back.
halfway down you felt all joy leave your body. then you saw a floating figure, 'what the fuck is that thing.'
you saw it stop at a compartment and go in. you immediately started walking towards it; then out of no where a bright light came out and warded it away.
by the time it was gone you had reached the compartment.
you looked in and saw people with terrified expressions.
"are ya'll alright in here?" you had questioned.
their heads snapped up at the sound of your voice. you looked down and saw a boy with glasses passed out.
"holy shit what happened? is he alright?" you dropped down and checked for a pulse.
you sighed once you felt his pulse and started tapping on his face.
once he started to stir you started talking to get him to focus.
"hey hey look up at me, there you go. you good?"
you stood up and offered him your hand. he hesitated taking it.
"come on i don't bite" you smiled
he smiled back sheepishly and took your hand.
you heard a breaking type sound next to you and saw it was an older man who had a bar of chocolate.
he started passing it out to everyone in the room.
"eat it, you will feel better"
once you got your piece you immediately started to eat it.
"what...do i have some on my face?"
they all just stared.
"why aren't you guys eating it. chocolate releases dopamine, endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin. the "happy" feelings per say; so eat up"
you left back to the twins and Lee to see how they were doing. almost immediately as you walked in you were bombarded with questions.
"merlin women, are you mad? where did you go? why did you take so long? are you ok?" most of the questions came from George who was right in front of you.
you laughed at their expressions.
"i'm fine guys no need to worry. this kid in the back passed out and i helped him out. nothing to worry about but thanks for your concern." you smiled
Fred had immediately smirked, "well we can't let anything happen to our american princess."
"your american princess? we barely met and now i'm your princess"
George was the one to talk now, "well from what we heard about your lot is that you are bonkers; and tend to cause mischief everywhere you go-"
"-and we are known for causing mischief at hogwarts. so we figured you could join us." Fred had finished.
you could tell it this was gonna be a fun year.

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