"Vervain" Stefan said.

I could handle it anymore and I blacked out. I woke up in the car.

"Hey L-Kassy" Draco said looking down at my in his arms.

"Hi Dray. What happened?"

"You blacked out yesterday and now we are on the way back to hogwarts." Draco said playing with my hair.


I sat up and snuggled him then the car stopped. We got out of the car and got back to hogwarts. We walked into the common room and saw Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. They looked completely shocked as soon as they saw me. I said goodbye to Draco and went up to my dorm.


We walked into the common room and saw mother and father. They looked at Kassy like they were going to kill her. I told her to go sit up in her dorm and I'll be there in a second. I sat down on the couch. It was completely silent. Until my father broke it.

"Well son I have to ask you a few simple questions" he said.

"Of course father."

"Well first I thought I said to stay away from mudbloods like that Katerina Granger. Didn't I?" He said.

"Yes but he-" I got cut off.

"Exacally and are you dating that Granger?" He asked.

"No but her la-" I got cut off again.

"And are you friends with her?" He asked.

"Yes bu-" I got cut off again. GOD CAN HE SHUT THE FUCK UP

"And I also said only friends with Parkinson, Florbs, Bennett, Riddle, Zabini, Salvatore, and Gilbert right?" He said.

"Yes but she is not a Gra-" BLOODY HELL STOP INTERRUPTING ME

"So why are you hanging out with her?"

"Because she's my friend and I did as you asked. I was mean to her in the beginning of the school year. Now I'm her friend best friend."

"BUT I SAID NOT A GRANGER!!!" Father yelled and stood up.

I heard a door open and I saw Kassy looking worried and scared. She saw my father and mother and walked up to then.


I heard the entire conversation from my room which was weird until I heard a loud scream. I was changing because Stefan said that I could meet my mother I think he said her name was Lily? 

 I was changing because Stefan said that I could meet my mother I think he said her name was Lily? 

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I walked down to the common room and saw Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. I walked up to them and bowed my head in respect to them and they did the same.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy I am Katerina Sal-Granger"

"Well what are you doing here you filthy little mudblood?" Lusius asked.

"Well first I'm actually a pureblood and secondly I'm going to go meet my mother. I've never meet her before"

"Well you look gorgeous sweetie" Narcissa said.

"Not as good as you look but I tried" I said and Narcissa giggled.

"I like her" Narcissa said nudging Lucius's elbow.

"Well I better be going I dont want to be late to see someone who abandoned me" I said then turned around to walk away but then I turned back around. "It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy"

"It was a pleasure to meet you too darling." Narcissa said.

I turned to walk away but somebody grabbed my wrist spinning me back around. 

"Good luck Kassy" Draco said.

"I need it" I gave him a quick hug then walked away.

I found the restaurant that Lily wanted to meet at. It had a weird name, it was called Gusteau's. I walked it and saw a woman sitting and waiting. I walked up to her and asked her what her name is.

"Oh its Lily, Lily Salvatore" Lily said.

I sat down and she looked confused.

"Hi I'm Katerina, Katerina Salvatore" I said.

We spent the whole night just talking and getting to know each other. I found out why she left me to my brothers. She thought as a 229 year old vampire and a newborn baby it would be to hard so she left me with my brothers who left me with the Grangers because of Klaus. I got back to the common room to see Draco reading a book shirtless on the couch. I walked over and took off my heels and layed on top of his chest and I fell asleep.


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