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I woke up in the morning and walked down stairs and smelled bacon and pancakes. I get to the kitchen and see Damon making pancakes and bacon. I walked to the dining room and saw Draco setting the table. I looked at Draco and he looked at me wide-eyed. He walked over to me and whispered in my ear .

"Your hickeys"

I immediately ran back upstairs to cover them up. Everybody started to walk downstairs and I looked at Pansy and saw hickeys all over her neck and immediately yanked her arm and pulled her outside.

"Oh my God you did not" I nearly screamed at her.

"Ummm... I don't know what you're talking about" Pansy said nervously.

"Girl you know exactly what I'm talking about. YOU HAD SEX WITH BLAISE!!" I screamed.

"Ok ok fine I did have sex with Blaise last night." Pansy confessed.

I started jumping up and down squealing from excitement and that made Draco run outside in a panic.

"Is everything ok?!" Draco yelled as he pulled out his wand.

I put my hand on top of his hand and looked at him in the eyes.

"Everything's perfect"

"O-Ok then," Draco said, then putting his wand in his pocket.

We walked back inside then pulled Pansy upstairs to my room. She sat on my bed and felt a wet spot.

"Eww! What is that?"

"Sorry I-I spilled my water last night..."

I pulled out my make-up and started to cover her hickeys.

"Thank you so much Kat"

"Anytime Pans. That doesn't mean you can get hickeys every single day" I said then we laughed.

The door opened and we saw Draco, Tom, Ellena, and Blaise. They walked over to us. Tom and Ellena sat on the chair together and Blaise came up to the bed and sat behind Pansy. Draco sat next to me and put his arm over my shoulder.

"Ok so when are you two getting together?" Tom asked with a childish smirk.

"Ok just because we dont hate each other anymore doesn't mean that we are getting together." Draco explained.

"Why not I mean you hooked up TWICE and you would be cute together." Pansy added to Tom.

"Ok first it was for a project that was HALF of our grade, and second, our parents HATE each other." I said then looking at Draco.

"Of first it was TWICE you hooked up and second they just don't know that you're a Salvatore. If he knew then you would be able to date because we get along great with Lucius Malfoy" Damon said standing in the doorway.

"We do?" I asked.

"Yep I've known Lucius for years" Damon continued.

"So what are we doing today?" Bonnie asked walking into the room.

"We are showing you around the town today so let's go!" Damon said then running down the stairs.

We got in the car and got out at The Grill.

"Ok now meet back here in 1 hour. Your roommate is your partner don't leave them and take them everywhere." Stefan said before walking into The Grill.

The group started spitting up and going separate ways.

"So we are partners" Draco said.

"Yes we are bubby" I said before I ran into something.

"OMG I'M SO SORRY" I apologized.

"No its my fault luv I wasn't looking where I was going." The man apologized.

"First dont call me luv and second I'm Katerina Sa-Granger"

"I'm Kl-" The man said then got cut off.

"KLAUS GET AWAY FROM HER!" Damon and Stefan yelled while running towards me.


"Yes I'm Klaus Mikaelson. Katerina thats a very rare name" Klaus continued.

"Oh thanks I guess"

"Lets go Kassy" Draco said 

Draco then grabbing my arm to walk away but Klaus grabbed it super tightly stopping me.

"OW!" I whined in pain.

"Im sorry luv but whats your last name?" he asked.

"Let. Her. Go" Draco said looking Klaus dead in the eyes.

"Im sorry but not until I know her last name."

"I-Its G-Granger" 

You were so scared of Klaus hurting you like Harry would.

"Well Granger goodbye" Klaus said then letting go of your arm.

Damon and Stefan left. Draco looked at you and saw you holding your arm where Klaus grabbed you.

"Luv are you ok?"

"Ya he just left a mark on my arm." You said then showed him the mark.

It was bright red and you could see where he grabbed it.

"Im sorry luv" Draco said then kissing your forehead.

"Its fine"

You and Draco walk around Mystic Falls but suddenly you get a phone call.



"Katerina Lucia Salvatore Granger! Where have you been! You were supposed to meet us 45 minutes ago!" Caroline yelled threw the phone.

"Oh shit. Sorry C Draco and I lost track of time."

"Its fine just get here FAST!"


"We need to go to The Grill its past an hour."

"Shit your brothers are going to kill us" Draco said.

I grabbed his arm and we ran to The Grill. We ran into The Grill out of breath and saw our friends playing pool. We walked over to them.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hey Kat. Did you look around?" Pansy asked.

"Ya we actually ended up at this really pretty manor" Draco said.

"What was it called?" Ellena asked.

"I don't know it just said 'MM'" Draco said.

"Katerina you need to stay away from the 'MM'" Damon said.

"Wait why?" I asked.

"Because 'MM' stands for Mikaelson Manor and I'm pretty sure Klaus want to kill you" Caroline said.

"Why does he want to kill me?"

"Because you are more powerful then him and I know that it sounds crazy because he is a hybrid. He wants you dead because he gave you his blood when you were little and now we wants to kill you so you can become a trybrid." Stefan said.

"When did I drink his blood?"

"Well Klaus wanted to kill everyone that Damon and I cared about and the next thing we know was Klaus had a knife to your heart. I vamp-speed to you and gave you my blood then Caroline brought you to the Granger's" Stefan continued.

"Ok ok then. Hey we should get home dont you guys have a pool?"

"Yes they do. Lets go!" Ellena said pulling on toms arm.

We get back to the house and change into my swimsuit. I walk out to the pool chairs and started to tan. I felt a shadow covering me and I opened my eyes to see Draco soaking wet.


Draco's little GrangerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora