New Kids

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The doors to the Great Hall flew open and the new students walked in.

"OMG CARLY, BON-BON" Ellena yelled as she ran to them.

"OMG HI ELLA" Bonnie said.

"HI ELLIE" Caroline said.

As Damon looks around and he looks at you and you look back at him making eye contact. You see him nudging Stefan's shoulder and pointing at you.

"The Doppelganger" Damon whispered and Stefan fastly whipped his head around to look at you.

"Now come get sorted." Professor Dumbledore said.

As they walk up to the sorting hat Damon sits down first.

"A Salvatore I see cunning brave yet also very bitchy." The hat said.

Everybody laughed when the had said that. I look over at Ellena and she could barely breathe.

"SLYTHERIN" They hat yelled.

Damon got up and went to the Slytherin table and sat by Ellena.

"Long time no see Ellena Gilbert" Damon said.

"Hi Damon," Ellena said, pulling him in for a hug.

Damon sat down on the other side of you and Draco squeezed your thigh rubbing it up and down.

"Stefan Salvatore!" Dumbledore yelled.

Stefan sat down and the hat was placed onto his head.

"Oh another Salvatore. But this ones different the Ripper but still caring and helpful. Better be SLYTHERIN!" The hat said.

Stefan walked over to the Slytherin table and sat across from Damon and stared at me.

"It's not nice to stare Salvatore's" Draco full of jealousy.

"Sorry you remind me of someone," Steven said as he looked away.

"Caroline Forbes" Dumbledore yelled.

Caroline walks up and sits on the stool.

"You're bitchy but not as bitchy as Damon. You have more of the responsibility and attitude. I haven't seen in a person in a long time other than Katerina of course."

All of the Great Hall laughed.

"Oh shut the fuck up assholes" I said back tired of them laughing.

"SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled.

"And lastly Bonnie Bennett" Dumbledore said.

"Oh a very powerful witch I are very kind yet also very rude and not afraid to get your hands dirty. I'll have to say SLYTHERIN '' The hat said as the Professor picked it up and left the room with the had.

"Now we have four new members of our group" Ellena said.

"Hi Stefan Salvatore" he said holding his hand out waiting for Draco to shake it.

"Malfoy...Draco Malfoy" He said.

"And who are you pretty lady?" Damon asked.

"Oh well thx for the complement and Im Katerina Granger you all can call me Kate, K, Kathrin or Katerina" I said to the group of new students.

"OMG ELLIE" Caroline yelled.

"Ya?" Ellena said back.

"GIRLS NIGHT" We all said at the same time then laughed.

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