Chapter 1

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As George steps off the plane, his dazed mood quickly changes to excitement when he realizes he's here, in Florida, with his best friends. He swiftly walks through the airport, sometimes going into a light jog, frantically looking for Dream and Sapnap, who were supposed to be waiting for him. After what seems like forever, forever being 10 minutes, George stops, his face growing more confused and slightly frightened. He had gone around everywhere and still hasn't found his friends.

"They had one job: Be here on time," George says under his breath, and a mix of anger and anxiety fills his head.

George pulls out his phone to text one of them when he hears a familiar voice from afar. He looks up and Sapnap is stumbling toward him. George feels excited but confused because he didn't see another person with him.

"GEORGE," Sapnap yells as he runs into the arms of his best friend, excited to meet him for the first time in person. George returns the hug but then loosens his grip around his friend.

"Where's Dream?" George asks, looking around for a tall man with blonde hair, only knowing roughly of his general figure. "Shouldn't he be with yo-" George gets cut off by a voice from behind him.

"Uh, hey George," Dream says as he slowly walks toward the two boys in front of him.

"Dream?" George turns around and the two lock eyes. He looks exactly like George imagined him. George runs over to him and gives him a tight hug. After a little bit of exchanging hellos and some small talk, they start walking back to the car.

"How do you like Florida so far Georgie," Dream says jokingly as he pushes George with his elbow, making him stumble to the side slightly. He knocks into Sapnap who gives him a slight nudge back to the center of them.

"It's so damn hot," George says. He was going to finish the sentence but was cut off by Dream.

"Aw, I'm sorry I'm too hot for you," Dream says, trying not to laugh. Sapnap on the other hand was laughing so hard that he was struggling to breathe.

"Omg you're such an idiot," George says laughing, trying to hide the bit of pink starting to spread on his face. Sapnap, still stumbling around them trying to contain himself, unlocks the car and opens the trunk so that George can put his baggage in. Sapnap gets into the driver's seat as Dream gets in the passenger's seat.

"You guys are seriously going to make me sit in the back seat. Come on I'm older than both of you and I just got here," he complains.

"Oh come on George, don't be a baby," Dream says, half wheezing. George sighs and climbs into the back seat.

Everyone settled in for the ride home. Sapnap rolled down the windows and turned on the radio. As the 3 ride home, the hot Florida air flows in and out of the small cars widows, calming George. It was about a 40-minute ride home and George was already falling asleep after about 5 minutes of driving. The last thing he remembers seeing is the open water from the view of a bridge. He wakes up to Dream tapping him on the shoulder and Sapnap screeching the lyrics to an unfamiliar song.

"We are almost home George, so you should probably get up," Dream says faintly under Sapnaps screeches. George didn't know how he slept through that, it was horrid.

George finally was able to prop himself up and rub his eyes as they were turning down a back street and after a few seconds, they turned into the driveway of their home. The three got out and Dream helped George get his luggage from the trunk while Sapnap unlocked the door and greeted Patches, their cat, who was patiently waiting around the entrance. As George and Dream walk toward the door, the cat scrambles away into hiding due to the new face entering the house. Sapnap walked down the hall to open the door to George's room. They put his stuff down and give George a walkthrough of the house, ending in the living room. They crash on the couch and turn on the tv at a low volume for some background noise. They catch up, talk about George's flight in, and about how they were going to break the news to their viewers.

"You know we could just like, upload a weird picture to Twitter of just our feet or some stupid shit like that," Sapnap says, trying to contain little giggles building up. Sapnap knows it was a dumb joke, but it made him happy. Karl would've laughed.

"We could do a facecam stream and just put Dream in that stupid mask," George says.

"Or we could do what Sapnap did and have you post a picture with Patches and watch the fans completely freak out," Dream says.

"Oh, hm, I don't hate it," George says, at first a little skeptical but that feeling loosened up the more he thought about it. After a little back and forth with a few ideas, they decided the perfect way to reveal to fans that they were all together. Instead of revealing it immediately, they decided to wait a few days, just so George had enough time to settle in before everything explodes on the internet. I mean, they all saw what happened when Sapnap and Dream first met up.

After the long day, the three decided to order pizza and call it a night. George still had to unpack, get his computer setup, and get a little more familiar with the setting. He walks into his room,  falls back on the bed, and checks his phone. Not many new messages. Just things from Twitter and a few messages from friends asking how the flight was, and some joking texts asking if Dream was real. He sets his phone down and before he knew it, he passed out. He was more tired than he thought.

Dream walked by his room and saw him passed out awkwardly on the bed. Without waking him, he carefully repositioned him and put the blankets overtop of his small body. He shut off the lights and went to the living room to watch a movie with Sapnap.

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