chongyun gets angy - 1

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Chongyun screeches at a statue of the seven and Xingqiu looks at him concerned before bitchslapping the large statue.

Xingqiu speaks in a harsh tone to the statue, "leave."

Chongyun nods approving his crush's actions.

They proceed to assault the statue with frozen carrots and the gods seem to be annoyed.

Venti, who is sick of this shit (and is also wasted) comes down from the heavens and scolds the two, "ayo what the fuck y'all doin' stop that shit before I kick yo' ass."

Chongyun stares at Venti, as Xingqiu launches a frozen carrot right at Venti's wine.

Venti dodges that shit like the epic gangsta he is, and fucking destroys Xingqiu with his elemental burst.

"XINGQIU NOOOOOOO!!!1!!11!!1!!!!1!" Chongyun is angy now. 

In his angy state, he calls upon Rex Lapis himself.

"What the hell do you want I'm trying to get mora from my sugar daddy??" He exclaims.

"Wait the fuck you have a sugar daddy?" asks Venti, staring at Zhongli who just randomly appeared.

Childe pops up out of the bushes. "Hey girlies!"

"GO BACK TO LIYUE YOU DUMBASS!" Zhongli screams at Childe.


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