A little backstory

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Jennifer pov

It's a Saturday and I'm at a golf torment leaving and I bump into this girl. She was really attractive and well dressed. She was talking to other girls then she had locked eyes with me. I looked away and paid attention to my phone. She starting walking over in my direction and started talking to me. "Hi" she says. "Hi" I say back. It was really awkward for about five seconds but she spoke and said "I saw you looking at me and I just decided to come and say hi" I was shy and nervous which I didn't know why. "Oh okay well my name is Jennifer what's yours" I ask. "My name is Leah, are you from around here?" "No I'm from L.A" "oh your a cali girl" she says. I laugh "yeah something like that" I say. Then this girl comes over and says she needs to take Leah so we say goodbye and she leaves. "Hey!" She yells. I turn back and she asks me for my phone number so we can keep in touch, I tell her and she goes with the girl.

I get home to my husband who's asleep on the couch. He would be in the bed but we had a big argument about something very little yesterday. He's starting to get very controlling and aggressive which is weird.

I get upstairs and take a shower, and change into my pajamas. I start to get in bed when my phone dings. It's a text from Leah asking if I want to go get coffee tomorrow with her. I tell her yes because I'm usually always in the house. According to Alex it's better for me.

Alex and I met when I was 22 years old and still living in Los Angeles. I had my own house and even had my own company. He was a handsome man with green eyes that I couldn't get enough of. He was charming and had his own business and owned a few house's in different city's. Alex proposed to me on Valentine's Day. It was really sweet and romantic. I was in love and didn't think anything bad was going to happen to me if I moved to Miami with him when he asked me to.

In the beginning of our relationship it was so good. It was him always showering me with gifts and surprising me with vacations. Always being loving. Then things started to change. He would always ask me why are you wearing this or that, and you look like a whore dressing like that. When it was just a dress that was a little above my knees. He even told me to give him half of my company which I thought was crazy. He didn't put any money into my business nor did he give me any ideas for it because I had the company before he came along so technically he doesn't get to own half of my business but He made it make sense to me and said if we're married we share half of everything the other persons got. So like a idiot I gave him half of my company. He would always ask to see my ID and credit cards and never give them back unless necessary. It was little by little where he started calling me awful names like whore or bitch or tramp. He knew everything I've been through in my old relationships with men tearing me down. He knew all my insecurities and what I feared, and he started to use that against me. He started to isolate me from my family and friends. I tried at least every day to call my mom. Friends of mine would tell me this isn't good and I need to leave but I can't just leave. I love Alex and even tho all the things he says or does isn't pleasing or polite I still stay because I can't see myself without him. We've been together for five years, I'm 26 now.

I wake up and shower. I go downstairs and see Alex sitting at the kitchen table drinking some beer. He was never a drinker, I thought he would drink occasionally like when we would go out. "Good morning" he says. "Morning" I say. He just looks at me so I go to the fridge. I tell him I'm going to coffee with a friend and I forget how he's very controlling. "who is this friend?" He says. "Her name is Leah and I met her at the golf torment yesterday" I say. He gets up and walks in front of me. "Are you going to behave and not say anything about me and you" he asks. I look at him scared "Yes" I say. "Okay good" he says, and walks away upstairs.

I go and sit down on the couch and try not to think about what Alex just said. I turn on the tv and look through the channels and Leah texts me.

Leah: good morning are you okay with coming right now? Because I'm bored lol.

Me: Sure I'll come now. I have nothing else better to do.

Leah: okay good thanks see you there.

I read it and went upstairs to change. I wonder how things are gonna go with Leah because I need some friends. I have no friends out here because of Alex. Hopefully this lasts long.

Jennifer knows that Alex is controlling  her but is still deciding to stay. Will she stay when Alex does the unthinkable?!!!!

:) I'll update again tonight

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