Chapter 15 : Start!

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"Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

Mikoto and Misaki raised their head looking at Touma who's standing at the doorway.

"Just chit chatting a bit," Mikoto replied.

"Miyamoto's calling for us to assemble in the living room. Come on."

"Okay~" Misaki cheerfully said and stood up. Mikoto did the same.

They walked to the living room and saw a serious looking Takeshi.

"Sit down," he ordered while crossing his arms. Mikoto and Misaki both made a strange look and sat on the sofa, together with Touma, Blaze, Yuga, Gunha and Aika.

"Before we start our expedition, I want to say all the rules and things to do when we're outside at the corridor."

"Okay?" Misaki said.

"First and foremost, be extremely careful. Look at your surroundings and make sure there are no things that can pose a threat to you. If you see something weird inform the others immediately. And if we encounter danger, remain calm and DON'T fight. Wait until Blaze say if it's a fight or flight. Do you understand, Sogiita?" Takeshi glared at Gunha.

"Alright," Gunha sighed.

"Can we even run away from the danger? Where'd we go?" Mikoto asked.

"That's why the fight or flight options exist. If we can fight, we fight. If we can't, we run. If we can't run, we fight. Simple as that. And for your other question, just run to the other way from where we came."

"What if we run and run, then we encountered a dead end?" Aika asked.

"Yeah, it's certain to encounter it. It's a maze building after all," Misaki commented.

"?" Touma made a strange look. "What do you mean by maze building?"

Everyone looked at Touma.

"You guys didn't tell him? Misaka, Shokuhou, Sogiita." Takeshi said with a disbelief expression.

"I thought you already told him," Mikoto said grinning like an idiot.

"Geez... You guys really..." Takeshi facepalmed. He went to his bag and searched something inside it. Then he took out a paper from the bag and gave it to Touma. Touma looked at it and he frowned.

[This is just reference, not the actual layout

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

[This is just reference, not the actual layout. The actual one is much more complicated with 5 routes in each intersection]

"What's this?" He asked confusedly.

"The layout of the building. What you see right now is the view from the top of this building's inside."

"What??" Touma was very surprised. "Are you kidding me???"

"Do I look like I am?"

"But this is just... Unbelievable. God knows how big this building is if the inside is like this."

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