Chapter 13 : Imagine Breaker

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For those of you asking about Accelerator, he'll appear in the future, just not so soon. I can't say more than this as it will be a spoiler.

"Naa, Ryuhara."


"I wonder why we're all so unfortunate to end up in this situation."

Yuga put his book on the table and looked at Touma who's staring at the ceiling with a mask on his face.

"I wonder too."

"Why are there people like the game host and his daughter?"

"I don't know about that too."

"I mean, just look at them. Putting us all in this situation, thinking our fears and pain as an amusement... How fucked up that is? How can you be a human like that?"


"You think if I punch them, they'd realize what they did is wrong?"

"I wonder, I'd like to see you try" Yuga chuckled. "But... I don't have hopes for them to change. They seem to be doing this for a long time already, and still they showed no remorse towards it. Kidnapping people and putting them in danger, I mean."

"... How did you know?" Touma looked at Yuga.

Yuga made a surprised face.

"Just an intuition."

"I see."

Yuga was relieved when Touma shrugged it off.


Touma and Yuga both looked up at the sound of someone's voice. It belonged to a blonde girl.

"Touma-kun! How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now," Touma replied.

"Hey Yuga, think he'll recover tomorrow?" Mikoto asked.

"Yep, most likely. I have already gave him some antibiotics that will kill the germs inside his body."

"That's good."

"You need to get completely healed tomorrow, okay~" Misaki said smilingly to Touma.

"Eh? Is there anything going on tomorrow?" Touma asked.

"Yeah. We are going to start the Survival Tendency operation."

"Wow, that's an unusual name for an operation," Touma said. "What operation is it?"

"Because of our survival tendency, we wanted to search for the way out of this building. Megane said it might be difficult, but I believe if you're here everything will be fine~"

"I see..."

Mikoto realized something.

"I just thought of this now. Can you both use your abilities?"

"Huh? Of course. That's obvious right?" Misaki looked at Mikoto weirdly.

"Remember back in the metal room when we're first gathered together, we can't use it?"

Misaki's eyes went wide.

"Omg, you're right. Then, how come I'm able to use my ability now?"

"How did you know you can use it? Have you tested it?"

"Eh? Well, yeah. I used it on Yuga-kun."

"M-Me?" Yuga pointed at himself.

"I ordered him to tell me immediately if Touma's condition worsened up."

"You could just tell it to him, no need to manipulate his mind" Mikoto said with a poker face.

"It's my instinctive reaction."


"What about you, Misaka-san? Have your ability gone back?"

"Yeah. I first realized it when Headband was carrying us after leaving the metal room. According to him, his and Accelerator's ability came back when fighting the wolves which attacked us. He didn't even realized it at first."

"How did our abilities suddenly came back just like that? Without us doing anything significant at all."

"I made a hypothesis that it's due to our survival mechanism. Maybe when we feel threatened it came back to us? What's even more questionable is how we lost it in the first place."

"These questions really makes my head hurt," Misaki shook her head.

"Touma, what about your Imagine Breaker?" Mikoto turned to the spiky haired boy.

"I don't know, I haven't tested it."

"Then I'll help you with it," Mikoto raised her hand and begin to emit sparks from it.

"W-What? Wait a minute— gyaaarghh!"

Touma held his right hand firmly as he pointed it towards Mikoto who had emitted her electricity towards him. The electricity was absorbed and nullified by his right hand. Touma looked at Mikoto, frowning.

"Why did you attack me?!"

"Isn't it obvious? I want to help you test whether or not your ability is working," Mikoto said nonchalantly.

"But like—"

"So cool!"

"Eh?" Both Mikoto and Touma turned to Yuga who had sparkling eyes, resembling Misaki's.

"Kamijou-san, how did you do that? That's really cool and awesome!"

"Eh... Uh... To be honest, I myself don't know about this ability of mine. I just call it Imagine Breaker."

"Imagine Breaker? That's so cool! It's like you're breaking an illusion or something?" Yuga said excitedly.


"I wanted to have an ability like yours too," Yuga said with a smile.

"Honestly, I'd rather not have this ability." Touma said as he looked down on his right hand.

"Eh? Why would you say that?"

"You wouldn't know about the downsides I've had to dealt with upon having this ability. It caused me so much misfortunes because it also negates God's blessings for me." Touma chuckled.

"Really? I didn't know about that, sorry for getting excited..." Yuga caressed the back of his head looking guilty.

"No no, it's all right to be excited about it. I don't mind. If you think Imagine Breaker is an amazing ability to have, it makes me feel good about myself. Thank you." Touma smiled. Yuga's face lighted up. "If you want to, I can explain you my little knowledge about this power."

"Eh? Is that okay?" Yuga said excitedly. "To explain it to a stranger like me..."

"Nah, you're not a stranger. Not when you've saved my life, treated and took care of me being sick here. You're my friend, Ryuhara."

"Kamijou-san.." Yuga's eyes got teary eyed.

"Then, I shall explain to you now."

"Please do."

"Imagine Breaker is—"

As the spiky haired and green haired boy went into full talk mode without giving a single care to their surroundings, Mikoto turned to Misaki.

"Should we get out of here?"

"Yeah, not like they're going to include us in their conversation anyway." Misaki formed a little quirky smile while putting both of her hands behind her head. Both of the Level 5 girls stepped outside of the infirmary room.

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