She's totally dressing them up, it's funny. Anyways, I'll just grab this gray sweatshirt and joggers with this black beanie.

Gathering my outfit off the rack, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Momo holding up an outfit while lightly blushing.

"I, uh, think this will work for you," she hands me the clothes and hurries away.

I don't want to disappoint her... oh well, there goes my comfy outfit. Might as well wear this...

Spotting an empty changing stall, I walk in and put on the outfit I was given. Only after I put on the clothes do I really examine them. Looking at the mirror in my stall, the first thing I notice is the black skirt.

Holy shit... I never wear skirts, even with my school uniform I requested pants so I don't have to wear that flowy shit. Oh my god... I hate it.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, my eyes travel up and down my body. Along with the mid-thigh length skirt, I'm wearing a tight white tank top with a leather jacket. Sighing, I step out of the changing stall, feeling embarrassed since I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this.

Momo squeals, "you look so good!"

Looking up at the group, I notice everyone else was already done changing and waiting for me. As I start to put my black sneakers back on Momo hands me a pair of sunglasses.

"Thank you," I smile awkwardly, standing back up and putting on the sunglasses.

Glancing at the others, I see them all staring at me.

"W-what?" I ask.

They shake their heads lightly, snapping out of their little daze.

"I apologize, Emi, but it's just that we've never seen you in such girly attire before," Iida points out.

Kirishima and Midoriya nod their heads aggressively.

"It looks good on you," Kirishima gives me a thumbs up.

Their attitudes set me at ease a bit and I laugh, "thanks, you guys."

The six of us leave the store after Momo pays for our 'disguises'. If anything we stand out more now...

"Watch it, you punks. Get lost!" Midoriya says, trying to act like a tough guy.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I try to hold in my laughter from the boys who are getting really into their disguises.

"We're just a few scoundrels cruising for hot girls!" Iida yells dramatically.

That sends me over the edge, and I grab my stomach while laughing, "oh my god... I'm dying."

Tears flow from my eyes as the rest of the group continues to try out new sayings.

"Everyone. Our destination is this way," Momo gestures down the street.

We hear someone point out UA, and I snap my head in the direction of the noise. On the giant tv screen attached to the buildings, the news is showing the UA High School press conference. My classmates get drawn into the screen along with everyone else on the street.

"Guys, we need to get moving," I tell the group.

"Right, let's go," Midoriya says.

Momo gets out her receiver and shows us that the tracker is in a building about three kilometers away.

"Seems like the quickest route is down this main road we're on now," Kirishima says.

"No," I say, turning everyone's attention on me, "it says that the building is at the end of the road facing this street, so they will be able to see us coming from a mile away. We need to use a back route to get there, preferably through smaller streets and alleys."

"Alright, that makes sense," Midoriya says.

I nod and take the receiver, "I'll lead the way. Follow me."

Ducking into an alley to our right, I lead the group taking as many turns as possible just in case there's anyone following us.

This brings back so many memories...


"So this game is called, 'sneak', ok?" Xander says to me.

"Ok... so how do you play?" my 7-year-old self asks.

"It's simple. I'm going to count to ten, and you have to run and hide in these alleys. Once I'm done counting, I'm going to look for you, and if I catch you I win, but if you manage to sneak up on me and scare me, then you win. You remember how I taught you to be silent, right?"

"Yeah! I've gotten really good at it too! You can barely hear my footsteps now!" I proudly say.

"I know you have, but still not as good as me!" Xander teases, "now go run, I'm going to count!"

Darting into an alley, I turn into three more before I crouch down behind a dumpster. Using the technique Xander taught me, I slow my breathing and concentrate on my surroundings, picking up every sound around me. An echo of a pebble skipping comes from the alley in front of me, so I turn around and silently run into another. Rolling my foot from the side of my heel to my toes allows my footstep to be practically silent.

"Almost gotcha, Kid," I hear Xander say behind me.

What? I'm running but I can't hear anything behind me, I didn't even know he was there!

Running fast, I take a sharp left into a very narrow alley and run straight through it, but get lifted into the air by two strong arms as I exit the small lane.

"Caught you!" Xander smiles and starts to tickle me.

"Ha ha ha... no, stop!" I pant and he puts me down.

"Nice job, Kid. You've gotten a lot faster and quieter. Now all you have to work on is being aware of your surroundings," he pokes my forehead.

"Ok..." I discouragingly say, "but you're just too fast! It's impossible!"

"Hey, what do I always tell you?"

"Never give up?"

"What? No," he laughs, "I'm not some D rate coach. Come on, you remember, right?"

"Uh... rely on my instincts?"

"Exactly! You're instincts and reflexes are a lot better than you think, so just let your body do its thing. If someone is faster than you, outmaneuver them, you're definitely going to be smaller and more nimble than them. If someone is stronger then use your speed and agility to getaway. Use your strengths rather than trying to beat your opponents."

Looking at the ground, I nod my head.

"Don't worry, Kid. You're talented and a fast learner, not to mention you have a crazy strong quirk. One day you'll be able to beat anyone, just focus on your training and you got it in the bag."

"Even strong enough to beat you?"

"Please, I'm in a completely different league," he laughs.

"No fair!" I stomp the ground lightly.

He laughs at my little fit and we head back to the main street to play another round.

~flashback end~

Game my ass... just another training session. I swear that's all we ever did.

"We're here," I alert the rest as we come to the end of a small street.

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