Quirk Training

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Mr. Aizawa has us start our first day of camp at 5:30 in the morning.

It's way too early, and I barely got any sleep last night... I can never fall asleep in new places... ugh.

"Good morning, class. Today, we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially so that each of you earns a provisional license..." Mr. Aizawa trails on.

I can't focus on what he's saying... too sleepy.

I start to drift off as I hear Mr. Aizawa call out Bakugou. I lazily turn my attention to the hothead, seeing that he's holding some sort of weird baseball.

"Let's see if you've improved," Mr. Aizawa says as Bakugou walks forward.

Improve what?

"Come on get it, Bakugou!" Kirishima yells.

Bakugou winds up his arm.

"GO TO HELL!" he yells as he launches the ball, using his quirk to send it soaring through the air.

"That was 709.6 meters," Mr. Aizawa plainly states.

Wow, that's crazy far!

I hear the others mumble and look unimpressed. Mr. Aizawa starts to explain that even though we've all improved, our quirks haven't grown much.

So we're here to improve our quirks on a fundamental level.

Mr. Aizawa smirks, "this'll be so hard, you'll feel like you're dying. Let's hope you all survive."

He leads our class to a giant open area, away from the facility, where we see the pro heroes who will be helping us train. They split us up individually since each of us has a unique type of training exercise designed by Mr. Aizawa. As they lead everyone else to a secluded spot, I'm the last one left not knowing what to do.

Mr. Aizawa walks back to me, "Alright, Emi. Follow me."

We arrive at my designated spot, and I see a small boulder, burning wood, and a large barrel of water.

"Before I have you start, I want you to explain how you use your quirk," he says as he turns around to face me.

"Well, as you know, I can control earth, water, air, and fire, but only when it is near me. I can't manifest anything like Todoroki can. I can control my quirk well, but it still requires a lot of concentration. Since each element has its own unique characteristics, I'm only able to control one at a time, but I've gotten good at switching between them quickly." I explain.

"Only one at a time... Alright, I understand," he says and turns back around at the stuff he has out for me, "I want you to control each element at the same time. Start by maintaining the elements for a minute and work your way up. My goal for you is to be able to use every element at the same time with ease."

"Wait, weren't you listening to me? The elements have their own characteristics, so I have to use different forms and techniques to control each one! Air and earth are complete opposites, same with water and fire, so how do you expect me to use them simultaneously?" I yell to him as he starts to walk away.

He pauses and turns back to me, "I don't know. It's your quirk after all... but if you're saying it's too difficult for you I guess-"

I cut him off, "No! ...I can do it."

"Good, now try," he says and gestures to the elements behind me.

I turn and walk in the middle of the elements he has set out for me. I take a deep breath and begin to concentrate.

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