The First Attack

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Quirk training starts back up early the next morning. Everyone's drills are still the same as yesterday's, so I continue trying to control all the elements at once.

"Ah! ...damn it," I gasp out as I fall onto my knees.

Only 9 and a half minutes that time. This is getting so frustrating.

We've been training for three hours already and my best time has only increased to 14 minutes. I see Mr. Aizawa checking up on us to see how we're progressing, so I stand back up and continue my drill.

At least activating all the elements simultaneously is easy now, but maintaining them... well, it's difficult, to say the least.

"How's everything going, Emi?" Mr. Aizawa asks as he walks up to me.

"...good..." I strain to respond.

I can sense him study me for a few seconds before walking away.

It sort of seemed like he wanted to say something to me...

Aizawa POV

As I make my rounds around the training ground, I can't stop thinking of Emi. She doesn't talk much and it's obvious that school doesn't interest her at all, I mean, her grades are a perfect example of that. But the way she confronts her opponents and uses her quirk isn't that of a student.

Basic training doesn't make you that good, and the way she doesn't hesitate to go into battle... it's almost as if she's had years of experience... but there's no way, she's only a kid. Probably just recklessness, but still... something isn't adding up.

I continue trying to make sense of her and walk up to her. She looks exhausted as she runs her drill. I ask her how her training is coming along.

Should I try asking her about how she's feeling too? I'm still a little worried about what happened last night, but it's not my place to question her about personal matters.

I walk away, not saying anything else, and go back to check up on the rest of my students.


The rest of the day goes by extremely slow, and we finally get called back to start cooking our dinner.

26 minutes... seems like this training won't be a bust after all.

I trudge over to our outdoor kitchen setup and help prepare the ingredients. To be honest, I'm terrible at cooking so I stick to preparation rather than actual cooking. Bakugou and I clean and cut up the vegetables while the others light the ovens.

"Whoa, Bakugou, you're really good with that knife!" Uraraka exclaims, "it's weird."

Bakugou snaps at her, "what do you mean 'it's weird'? How can you people be so damn bad at everything?"

I giggle at them, and Bakugou looks over at me.

"What are you always laughing about, you damn extra?" he angrily asks.

"Nothing really, I just think your temper is funny," I reply.

"Huh?! Funny how?"

"I don't know... probably because you blow up at every little thing and the faces you make are hilarious," I answer, giggling a little as I visualize his facial expression.

"WHAT FACES?!" he yells.

"That one! The one you're making right now!" I laugh and point at his face, "your eyes get so big and you snarl like a dog."

"You calling me ugly, asshole?!" he starts getting angrier.

"No, no, not at all. It's just funny," I smile at him.

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