"i feel like i don't want ya to go back. i feel like i don't want to wait to see ya again. i feel like im pushin' you, and that's the last thing i want," you opened your mouth but he raised a finger, hushing you, "i want you, (y/n). it's as simple as that and i don't know why it took me so long to say it."

you stayed still for a minute, processing his words. he wanted you. but how would you guys work with the distance? sure, it wasn't much but it was still there.

"i-i want you, too."

"good- that's a good start," he cleared his throat, rubbing his hands down his face. he scratched the back of his head, most likely thinking of what else to say.

"so, what do we do from here?" he asked, eyes wide. the sun was hitting him in just the right way, outlining his face and making him look so fucking good.

you knew what you wanted to do. kiss him. it was long overdue, and it needed to happen, especially if you were going to move forward with your relationship. not that you felt it was an obligation, because to be honest, you had wanted to kiss him before you even came to visit.

"we kiss."

his eyes locked on yours, his mouth parting slightly. you leaned towards him, the stick shift digging into your arm slightly. he met you in the middle, reaching out and running his hand through your hair. he tugged it towards him, your noses bumping together.

you finally closed the space. your lips met, and it was perfect. he swiftly took his seatbelt off so he could use his other hand to hold the back of your neck.

this moment couldn't have been better. everything was amazing. his lips were soft and experienced, just as you imagined. so many unspoken emotions were poured into the kiss, and you sighed happily.

you pulled away from him, seeing that he still had his eyes closed for a second. when he opened them, he had a wide smile on his face.

you matched it and leaned over, placing a small peck on his lips once again.

"well, that was-"

"better than i thought it would be," he finished for you. smiling stupidly, you raised a brow.

"you thought about it?"

"you didn't?"

"that's fair. we should go back to your place now," you told him, looking at the time. he nodded and took a second to breathe before starting up the car and speeding off back to his house.

-time skip (leaving time)-

"thank you for having me jay, it was a lot of fun," you told him while simultaneously leaning down to scratch chief behind his ears. chief leaned into you, his eyes closing. that had the be the cutest thing ever.

"we're both gonna miss ya," schlatt answered, throwing you a shirt of yours that you forgot to pack. you stuffed it into your backpack and left chief, instead walking towards schlatt.

you two weren't dating, but kind of in this weird dance. neither of you wanted to pressure the other, so neither of you wanted to ask anything. anyway, you only just had your first kiss. maybe it would be better to wait a while.

schlatt opened his arms, inviting you. of course, you accepted and pressed your cheek against his chest, your arms slithering around his waist.

you breathed him in, relishing the feeling of his arms around you and his head resting on yours. but sadly, you knew you had to go home. your entire place was probably covered with dust.

despite his protests, you pulled away from schlatt and looked him in his eyes. he looked so sad that you almost said 'fuck it' just so you could stay longer.

fall for me - jschlatt x reader Where stories live. Discover now