|Chapter 3| War Between Brothers

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Author's note: The Kingdom's I'm using are made up. I don't actually know if there is a city in Italy called Savensburg, and I do not know if there is a city in France called Jukesburg. They were just random cities that popped into my head while creating the books' description. I am from Italy, but have been living in America since I was 3 years old so.. I have not been taught about the Italian states. Anyway, Enjoy!
Katerina's POV:

It dropped.

My corset dropped in front of the Queen..and the Prince.

I was Embarrassed. I shut my eyes tightly, forcing back a tear. I wanted to dig up a whole and die.

Prince Elijah had ran up to me, probably noticed my corset strings untied, but he wasn't fast enough to reach me in time.

"Ohh..I'll just turn- I'll turn around-" he said awkwardly.

"Oh Katerina, laisse-moi t'aider ma chérie! C'est la raison pour laquelle je ne porte pas de corsets. Ces petites choses embêtantes." Queen Silvia rushed over to me.

**English Translation: "Oh Katerina, let me help you dear! This is the reason I don't wear corsets. Those pesky little things."**

"Shoo! She doesn't need a man watching her, Elijah. Be a gentleman and please get out of the room so I can help fix her Corset." She said, shooing Prince Elijah out of the room.

He quickly left the room. I think his ears were turning red. Was He blushing? No- why would he?

"Come come! Let's tie this pesky corset. You should consider wearing something underneath, other than your bra darling.." The Queen whispers. She was really kind. But her words hadn't helped.

"Thank you.." I reply.

3 minutes later.

"There! Good as new chérie." Queen Silvia said.

Elijah knocks on the door. "Are you two done? The tea'll go cold if you don't come out and drink it soon."

"Oh yes! Come! come Katerina, let's have chat!" The Queen shouted.

Why was she so full of enthusiasm? What had to be so important that she was dying to talk about it?

She walked me to the kitchen, and grabbed the two tea cups waiting on the table, then lead me to a linen colored, with gold lining, couch.

"Here, it's still warm."

"Thank you." I replied.

"Elijah. Please spare me and Katerina a minute. We have something important to talk about." She said to Elijah, who was standing near the door, hoping to eavesdrop on our conversation.

He quietly left the room.

"Alright, let's get to the point. I'm sure you must be tired. It was a long trip from Italy to here was it not?" She said, taking a sip from her tea.

"Yes. It was. Those carriages sure are hot. I mean, how could I have gotten so tired, even though I was sitting?" I replied.

"Mhm. Well, I invited you here to talk about Elijah and Marcel. I've become too old for the throne. If their father was..was still here, I'm sure they would have another 10 years left until they were ready for the throne. But he isn't.." She paused to take a sip of her tea.

"I mean, I'm quite sad that my two boys are all grown up. It felt as if they were 4 yesterday! But no, they are now handsome, 21 years olds. And I couldn't be any more displeased that their unbreakable bond was destroyed because of this silly throne. They used to be with one another for the entire day! Then when I announced that they had to prepare themselves for the throne, they grew apart.." She said, but paused, giving me a smile. I could see she was sad.

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