|Chapter 12| Elijah

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Shortly after Katerina's departure,

Elijah's POV:

"Farewell Katerina!" I shouted after Katerina's carriage departed from its parked spot, though I'm not sure if she heard or not.

"Prince Elijah, Advisor Kliéuf wishes to speak to you in the common room." Ruby softly spoke as I re-entered the castle.

"On my way, thank you Ruby." I replied.

She bowed and left the room.

Why did she have to leave? I mean, I understand she needed to see her mother but, why right now? She'd just gotten here. We'd just finally met again since the last time we spoke. Since she had to leave abruptly, during the time her father had gone missing.

It felt as if a part of my heart had been ripped away, though I don't understand why. It's not like I'm in love with her. Right?

POV switch and Time skip.

Katerina's POV:

"Can we please take a break? My legs feel like water." I complained. We'd been rehearsing the traditional Italian dance that was apparently required at the crowning ceremony. Another reason to not want to be crowned queen.

"We've only been at it for...oh, three hours. I suppose we shall rest?" My mother said.

"Three hours?! I'm not even the one dancing and my legs hurt. I pity you Kat." Mary said, shocked.

"Maybe you'd like to try-"

"I'm so sorry your Majesties, she just ran in here, my apologies." Servant Melinia apologized as she walked in the room, with someone in front of her.

"How dare you not announce your return to the public? I thought we were close than that. Sister.

Cissy Sotile-Dubois.

My half sister.

Cissy was the daughter of Violeta Dubois, the official mistress of the king..my father.

Another thing I hated from the Italian court. A husband was allowed a mistress, but the wife was not permitted to be seen with another man other than her husband.

Cissy was half Royalty, but was no longer allowed to live in the castle since our father went missing, and Violeta Dubois left court.

"Pleasure seeing you here Sister." I said.

"If it were a pleasure, you'd have informed me of your arrival." She responded.

"I'm sure Gigi knew of it." She huffed.

Bloody hell. I completely forgot about Gigi.

"Ah, so none of your siblings knew of your arrival, telling by your reaction of course." She spoke.

"Is there any important reason for you to be here Cissy?" I asked.

"Oh no, I just wanted to know why I wasn't informed that you had arrived that's all..."


"..and I wanted to know if he looked the same, Okay!?" She shouted.

"Voices." Mother shouted back.

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