Part 16 - Randall

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I was far ahead of Coleton at this point. Lumberton was right below me. I tilted my wings down to land. My feet planted firmly on the ground as I became human again. I landed just outside of the gas station. The fencing and barbed wire still standing even after being blasted by a blast. I walked down the road back to my house. Still standing there with all the windows shattered and the wood paneling burned to ash. I walked through the door. Looking around at the devastation, there was nothing left. I went downstairs into my room. Somehow nothing in there was destroyed, I guess my room was safe since it was underground.

I sat down on my cot and began to contemplate everything that's happened. It's only been a couple of days since this town was destroyed by me. I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it across the room. It hit some boxes in the corner of my room and the tumbled over.

My mind raced as the great memories of this town faded into the terrible ones. My mom, my friends, Claire.

"Are you just going to sit there and mope or are you going to do something about it?" Asked a mysterious voice.

I know that voice, its Brutus.

"I thought you were gone!" I said looking up to him.

"Not gone, just asleep." He said.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

He looked down into my eyes.

"When you're facing your greatest threat, don't let the things he did before distract you from stopping him now. You are the hero of your story even if you don't believe it to be true. Fight for the ones you lost in the past so the ones you care about now can have a future!" He said.

A little light flicked on inside me, I finally feel like I'm more than what I was.

"Thank you Brutus." I said.

I walked up to him and hugged him. His body felt cold and smelled like ash but I held onto him.

"You have the power to defeat him. You just need to combine that with you mind." He said.

Brutus disappeared like usual. I marched upstairs and out the door. If he wanted to finish this then I know the perfect place to end this once and for all.

Unlikely Hero: Rise of the Demon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now