parker | you scare me ( a )

164 4 4

summary - she had known him for so long, wasn't it meant to be obvious that every night he snuck out of his bedroom to save the world?

word count - 1.8k

You were friends before Tony Stark laid down his life for the greater good of humanity, before elementals shattered a city, and long before Peter Parker ever identified as Spiderman. When you were just kids in a concrete city you would climb into his room, curious eyes wide and ready for an adventure. When you were teenagers, it was no surprise to anybody that beneath the big apple's influence you fell in love. It was young and it was cherished, until it wasn't.

Peter Parker had a lot riding on his shoulders.

It was a stormy Tuesday afternoon, just after a spontaneous shower of summer rain. He had been out all night, quite literally strung up and pressed with lowlife crime. Things had begun to even out since defeating the elementals, for Spiderman that is, not Peter Parker. Peter Parker had missed three dates since revealing his identity to MJ Watson in France and taking on petty crime in his home city.

You were not a girl known to wait around for what you wanted, and yet every night you clung to a sliver of hope that your boyfriend would break through your bedroom window with a twisted grin and sweet accent. Every night you went to bed lonely and disappointed.

The week had begun with plans to see a movie, and when Peter called to tell you he had gotten stuck at work, you accepted his excuse and happily agreed to the raincheck he provided. On Sunday, when you were meant to have dinner down at the diner, you were met by MJ instead. Tuesday had been your final straw, texting your boyfriend and asking for a simple night in. Your mother had left town just the night before, leaving the loft cold and available, and yet Peter never showed up.

You were overwhelmed with worry, fingernails broken between her teeth as you looked down at your phone. The blue messages were left unread and unresponded to, only making the pit in your stomach grow with the passing hours. You were tempted to reach out to Happy, knowing it was a last ditch effort to mend a heavy heart, but you were quickly running out of options that allowed for your sanity to be kept in check.

The curly headed, brown eyed, adventure loving boy had always given you a run for your money, but laying in bed alone unaware of his safety was growing sickening. Ned had stopped answering your messages, blocking your contact all together when the temptation to spill the truth became to much for him, and you and MJ had never really hit it off. You weren't even sure you had the girl's number saved in your contacts.

Your lonesome was crippling, tears soaking the pillow beneath your head as Peters favorite movie played on your television screen. The night was meant to be simple, a last ditch effort to rekindle a life long spark, and you had been stood up.
Giving up hope, you let yourself sleep, crossing Peter Parker from your mind and instead giving into slumber.


Peter cursed to himself, his hand pressed up against the glass of your bedroom window hours after you had fallen asleep. The movie had ended hours ago, the opening credits playing again and again on your television screen only making Peter's heart drop further towards his feet.

He didn't bother knocking on the glass, knowing that his girl could sleep through the end of the world if she tried hard enough. His frown was tight as he slipped in through the window, the lock having never been very efficient, and let his body be met with the slight chill of your air conditioning.
You hummed at the slight patter of his clumsy feet, wiggling in the bed with a look of pure angelic grace on your sleep drunk features. Peter's heart sank at the tears that left tracks on your cheeks, an apparent damp spot on the purple pillowcase beneath your head. Your hair was let down, a telltale sign of a migraine no doubt caused by him. Your bedside table was dressed in all of his favorite snacks, his eyes not failing to notice the homemade butterscotch cookies shaped like hearts growing stale beside a can of soda.

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