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Rose's POV:
"CRAP!" I yell in shock after I suddenly land onto the hard floor.

'Where the hell am I?' I ask myself as I push myself up to a siting position while rubbing my sore head since I hit it on the hard ground. Looking up I see what I fell through. It had the appearance of a swirling mist the was made out of some pure white kind of misty fog. Watching the mist it slow starts to fade away till it's completely gone from my sight. 'Oh! That can't be good.' Stat to myself as I slowly get up of the floor.

Looking around I was in what looked to be someone's bedroom. There was dark red carpets on the floor that felt soft under my boots. The walls were made out of a dark red like coloured wood paneling that went around the whole room. There were also three doors which I assumed lead to a bathroom, a closet and into a hallway. I then saw a large double king size bed with a dark wooden frame with two small wooden nigh side tables made out of the same wood as the bed frame. I also saw a decent sized dark wooden desk that was covered in books and papers as if they were left to be done for a later date. And lastly I looked at one of the corners near the large wooden framed window to see a small book nook. It had two large wooden bookshelves covered in different books of colours and sizes, and in front of them was a dark brown armchair and a small table with a glass of red wine next to it's open bottle and cork, and next to the glass of wine was an open book.

Slowly walking over to the small table I carefully picked up the red wine bottle reading the name of the brand and year. Softly placing the bottle on the table I picked up the cork and smelt the scent of the wine. Closing my eyes I let the smell of the wine fill my senses and I sight. "Beautiful. A Shriaz that has been aged for eight years. Opened at its prime." I say to myself enjoying the smell of the wine. Placing the cork back on the table I turn my head to look at the open book. Delicately picking up the book not to loose where the owner of the book was up to I turned the book to look at the title. "Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. A classic. Also my favourite book." I say out loud looking at the condition of the book. "Original copy as well. In mint condition. Someone loves you." I say to the book gently placing the it back onto the table the way it was before.

Turning around from the table I look back into the room and sigh. 'How the hell did I get here in the first place. All I remember is being in the lounge room at home with Mia and Sofia. We had planed on having a Vampire diaries marathon. We got up to the end scene of the episode were Esther had just came in telling Elijah and his sibling that she wanted them to be a family again. Then Sofia had an idea to muck around with a book she found in her nanas basement. I me and Mia said no, Sofia called us boring. At that time I decided to grab a drink when I suddenly landed here.' Then it hits me like a tone of bricks. I face palm myself and groan. 'The twit decided to muck around with the book anyway didn't she?' I tell myself and sigh.

'Well I better see if I can find them both. They might have ended up in this house as well. Probably in different rooms to.' I sigh again and decided to go look for them. Knowing Mia she's probably pissed at Sofia. While Sofia is probably skipping with glee that something happened from her mucking around with her nana's book.

Walking over to one of the three doors I hoped that it would lead me into a hallway that would lead me to my friends.

Elijah's POV:
I was siting in my room, in my armchair chair with a glass of Shriaz that had been aged to its prime and a good book to pass the time as my siblings were also spending time to them selves in their rooms as mother was getting things ready for the ball she planed in two days time.

'Mother. What are you up to? Why forgive Niklaus after what all he's done to you.' I had my suspicions that mother was not telling us all that she knew. Rebekah, Kol and Niklaus believe that mother want us to be a family again but I wasn't so convinced. Sighing I place my book on the table open and rubbed my eyes.

Suddenly a flash of white light appeared in my room. Placing my glass on table I rise from my chair to look at the mysterious occurrence floating near the top of my bedroom roof. It had the appearance as a pure white mist and moved in different swirls and shapes.

Just as fast as the mist appeared a person fell from with in the occurrence. "CRAP!" They yelled out of shock when hitting the hard ground. I decided that I would hide to see what the person that fell out of the mist would do. So vampire speeding from where I stood near the person I flashed to the other side of my room in the far corner of my room that was shaded so I could still se the person.

The person slowly pushed themselves of the floor and rubbed there head. My eyes widen when I saw that the person was a girl in her early 20's. She had long curled dark ruby red hair that fell down to her mid back. Her skin was pale with not a single blemish on her beautiful face that a normal young woman would have from being exposed in the sun. But her eyes are what made my un-beating heart skip a beat. They were the most unique ocean colour, there were some many different shades of blues and greens that I was unable to count them all and they were framed by long thick beautiful dark black eyelashes.

She looks up at the occurrence and examines it. She watched as it slowly faded away till there was no trace of it left. She then rises from the floor looking around my room and I get to see her whole appearance. She's wearing a fitted black tank top that outlines her small waist and medium sized bust. Then she has a pair of black fitted skinny jeans that show off he long toned legs with a pair do black heeled ankle boots. Lastly she wears a dark green leather jacket and a thick gold braclet.

She then spots my glass of wine and open book on the small tackle near my armchair. Slowly walking over to the small table She carefully picks up the red wine bottle reading the name of the brand and year. She softly places the bottle on the table again then picks up the cork and smells it. Closing her eyes she let's the smell of the wine fill her senses and sighs. "Beautiful. A Shriaz that has been aged for eight years. Opened at its prime." She saids to herself enjoying the smell of the wine. 'The young lady knows her wines.' I think smirking at the thought. As she places the cork back on to the table she turns her head to look at the open book. Delicately picking up the book as to not loose the page I was on she turns the book to look at the title. "Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. A classic. Also my favourite book." She saids out loud her eyes admiring the beautiful text and at the condition of the book. "Original copy as well. In mint condition. Someone loves you." She saids to the book gently placing the it back onto the table the way it was before.

She the turns back to face the rest of my room with a thoughtful look. 'I wonder where you came from?' I ask myself as I watch her admiring her beauty. She then dose what I believe is known as a face palm and groans getting an irritated look to her face. She then sighs and walks over to my bedroom door that lead to the hallway.

'I think I will continue to observe her and see what she is up to.' I think to myself and follow her into the hallway.

What the Hell!!! (An Elijah Love Story) (ON HOLD!)Where stories live. Discover now