Chapter 9: Genin

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Hinata gave Hanabi one more hug, making her younger sister squeal. "Onee-chan!" she said with a protest, but to Hinata, it sounded more like she wanted more hugs.

So she gave in to her urge and squeezed again. This time, Hanabi giggled and squeezed her back. Hinata planted a kiss on top of her sister's head, noting that Hanabi was taller now. So Hanabi was eight, while she was twelve. The days of being a student were coming to a close.

She sighed. Tomorrow, Hinata was graduating from the Academy after having passed the genin exams, and she dreaded it more than she wanted to admit. She was going to finally step out into this world that she'd resolved to enter, all because of this bundle of sweetness in her arms.

Hanabi was sighing into her chest, not wanting to let go even though she stank of sweat. They'd just finished practicing their taijutsu drills together and it was time for dinner.

Hinata laughed quietly. "You stink, Hanabi. Time for a bath."

"Okay!" Hanabi squeaked happily as she held her sister's hand while they walked inside the house.

Yes, tomorrow, her world was going to change, but Hinata knew that nothing would erase her resolve to protect her sister from succumbing to the Hyuuga fate.


That night, when everyone had gone to bed, Hinata had snuck into Neji's room to try to talk to her cousin. He was sitting on the bed, a book propped up in his lap. He looked up when she entered the room.

She walked over to the window, and without looking at him, said, "What's your team like, Neji?"

She missed the slight grimace that formed on her cousin's face.

When the silence stretched for ten minutes, Hinata finally turned around from the window. She frowned when she finally saw the expression on his face. "Is there a problem with them? Are they that bad?!"

Neji laughed. "They're kind of hard to explain."

"Try anyway."

He thought hard for a moment then began, "Well, Rock Lee is very kind, I think, and earnest. He's always so positive, it makes me wonder if we're living in the same world. Tenten is really smart and really skilled. She's had lots of training with weapons, so if there's anything I need to know about a blade, spear, or shield, she's the first person I would ask."

Then Neji's brows knit in concentration, trying to find the right words for his captain. "But Gai-sensei..."

Hinata waited, curious to hear what Neji would say. His tone as he said his captain's name was not encouraging. Neji was deeply puzzled about the man.

"He's joyful, Hinata," Neji finally said. There was a smile on his face.


"Yes," he said with a bigger smile. There was also more conviction in his voice, as if he'd made a sudden decision. "I like him a lot. He's always happy and always encouraging. He's different from all the men we've known, especially from the men of our family. Gai-sensei is just so happy about life and always wants the best for us. He always seems to be spreading light to the people he meets, making everyone laugh and smile. He's very wise, too, and very enthusiastic. I think I can learn a lot from him."

Hinata was perplexed, seeing this different Neji and the influence of his captain on him. She was frowning. It was strange to hear her cousin speak so enthusiastically about anyone, and yet here he was, actually beaming at her.

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