"That sound more like a threat to me" Veronica said squinting her eyebrows as she took the flyer.

Rebecca simple leaned forward and whispered something in her ear loud enough for me to hear.
"Trust me newbee, it is a threat"

"C'mon Rebecca, leave the new girl alone, we will all vote for you" I pleaded trying to make her back off.

"I know you will sweet cousin" she said rubbing my cheeks"
"Adios" she stated then left with her heels still dancing in my ears even though she was already quite far.

"I can't believe she's your cousin, I was just kidding" veronica uttered almost without thinking.

I just laughed at that, Rebecca could be an asshole eighty percent of the time, the other twenty percent she could be really nice.

Bryce and Henry had football practice so I couldn't wait for them and veronica left early today she said she had an emergency meeting at home.

"Hey Sasha wait for me" I heard a bass voice call me from behind and I could tell it was Henry. He looked sweaty and all which made him so sexy in my eyes.

"I thought you guys had to practice late today" I told him gently sliding my hair behind my ear. Snapping up from my thoughts.

"I had a little argument with the coach, so he sent me home" he said still panting and blowing air into his nice shirt.

"Little argument huh" I teased making him giggle a little.

We talked about how classes were and how boring it was to him until the thought hit me ...

"Hey Henry, can we have lunch at Mamas today? I have something I want to discuss with you"

"Don't I get to change first, I'm really sweaty"

Yes that was a misstep for me he looked so sweaty and at the same time dreamy but also sweaty so he couldn't, I had to tell him now. But I felt strange, I found it more of a duty to tell him than any other thing else,maybe because it's our last year and I wanted to let the cat out of the bag before we all graduate and forget one another.

"Hope there's no problem" Henry asked with a look of concern in his face.

"I'm good, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a very long time, I ehhhhhhh" I couldn't finish the bloody sentence,my heart was racing at its highest speed, I didn't even have the courage to continue it was so awkward, then my phone vibrated, someone was calling.

"Uhh please excuse me I have to take this call, it's Rebecca"

"Hey Rebecca, anything?" I asked as she sounded more quiet than usual on the phone. This girl is noisy. Everywhere.

"Come to the locker room now!" She yelled then cut the call.

Like wtf!

"What did she say? I mean the call was too short" Henry asked

"I think you should follow me to the locker room Rebecca's about to throw a fuss" he simple nodded and followed.

We entered the school and I went straight to the locker room while Henry excused himself to go get the things he left behind.

I immediately dashed into the girls changing/locker room and I saw her pacing round the room deep in her thoughts, she didn't even realize I was in there.

"Okay, Rebecca speak up" I mumbled lazily, bringing her back on earth ,at the sudden realization I was there she quickly hugged me and sat me down on a wooden chair.

"Oh, cousin I was so consumed by everything, the election, senior year, applying for college that I forgot about the quest"

"So what about it?"

"Sasha! Its the season were we recieve our different quests and we all get to solve different mysteries" she said standing up on her feet, still beating around the bush but I was getting a little impatient.

"Rebecca what about it?"

"Well, mine came out early" Rebecca mumbled to herself as she slowly sat down back.
"It was a black card in a black envelope with dark words"

I suddenly felt goosebumps slowly rising up all over my body. I knew how challenging the quests could be, as I was about to collect the quest card from her, my phone vibrated with different text messages from veronica, Henry and Bryce with the same 'black envelope' quote.

I collected it from her shaky hands, looked at her for a second and I was already praying that what ever quests my friends recieved, mine shouldn't be the same.

"Open the damn card Sasha, being sluggish in reading it won't change the words in there" Rebecca said in which I found wisdom in it, I finally opened the envelope;

Kill Mr. Honey!

Those were the words boldly written there in black ink. I didn't understand, during this period we were always given forgotten cases to solve or we either create a case for other students to crack.

"Who's in there?" A voice yelled from behind the doors. Rebecca jumped up to open it. Mr honey that's who she saw, she froze there with no intentions to move, from her expression one could tell it to be either fear or shock.

"I don't know the game you are playing Rebecca but leave my school its late" he shouted, gave me a glance then left immediately.

"I'll try and gather those that recieved a black card you should do the same too, there must be a way to explain this" I said getting ready to leave.

"I want you all to gather at my house 8pm on the dot, so we could discuss this issue better"

That sounded like a good idea, because any students declining to participate in the school quests will remain stagnant in his/her position in school and we are all in the finals, we need to graduate.
I don't know who set the rules that way and why, but I have a feeling we will all find out soon.

But for now I have to check my locker.

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