Yeonjun wasn't even sure he had the right to call himself a Knight or a Paladin. That's why he read that book in particular. It made him feel like he was on his own adventure, making his way through the harsh winters of the North, the unkempt forests to the east, the dry deserts of the south. He loved the way he felt when he read the book. It made Yeonjun feel like the Paladin he knew he was meant to be.

  "If you keep reading that book, you'll have it memorized in no time," Beomgyu interrupted, bringing Yeonjun's attention to the small dining room, adjacent to the living room, where Beomgyu had set their dinner.

  "I think it is very bold of you to assume I've not memorized it already," Yeonjun chuckled, closing the worn book and placing it on the half empty shelf. Other than that book, there were a few books with recipes that Beomgyu had made himself, and a history book that Beomgyu found himself being very fond of. Yeonjun couldn't understand his obsession with that particular book, but he wasn't judgemental, especially considering his own obsession with his own book.

  "I am completely sure you've not even begun to memorize it. Every time you open that book, you only skim the pages and wander off into a daydream. The book you're holding is just for show," Beomgyu teased, serving Yeonjun his stew and the slices of bread he'd just cut.

  "I guess you're right about that," Yeonjun smiled faintly, looking at the perfectly presented stew that sat in front of him.

  Beomgyu was the better cook of the two of them, though their diet consisted of mainly soups and stews made with what vegetables Beomgyu could manage to grow in his own garden. The two tried to stay out of the marketplace whenever they could. It had been a while since they'd last been seen, so they weren't very recognizable, but there was always a chance that someone would recognize the runaway prince and his squire.

  "If you're just going to hold a book whilst you daydream, consider holding mine next time. You should treat your book carefully, considering it is on the verge of falling apart," Beomgyu said, sipping his stew.

  "I'll consider it," Yeonjun replied, beginning to eat his own stew.


  Having taken Beomgyu's advice, Yeonjun held Beomgyu's history book in his hands, stating blankly at the page. He had been lost in his thoughts for no more than an hour, reading the title over and over again as he daydreamed about having his own adventure. Beomgyu was off elsewhere, cleaning, tending to his garden, and such. Yeonjun stayed lost in his thoughts until he actually read the title at the top of the page he was reading. 'Treasure of Hellspost'. It piqued his interest. He read on, reading of King Reykoris of Hellspost, and the past of Hellspost. He read intently, his focus not even being broken by Beomgyu entering the living room to see what Yeonjun had been doing.

  During the rule of King Reykoris, Hellspost had been the most powerful kingdom, their riches filling several halls with plenty to spare. Their guard was strong and even their peasants wore what the people of Eboncross would've considered to be the Kings fabrics. Their poverty rate was low and there was said to be very few rogues or thieves, if any. Every one of King Reykoris' subjects had a warm hearth and a full belly. Hellspost thrives and the King of Eboncross, King Seojun, had grown jealous of the prosperity of those in Hellspost and waged war not long after destroying the kingdom of Bleakwick. The dead after the war were beyond the count of grief. Eboncross had emerged victorious after finding and killing King Reykoris. Not long before King Reykoris had been found, he had placed a spell over his treasures. A spell that had blinded the enemy to his immense wealth. Even on his deathbed, he refused to let the enemy prosper after their heinous deeds. The treasure remained hidden and the only thing Eboncross gained was a title.

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