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I groaned as I started to come to my senses.

My eyes fluttered open to see Adam sitting on the couch next to me. I then realized that I wasn't in my apartment anymore.

"You scared me back there kid."

I look down at my hand to see a white gauze bandage covering it.

You've always had a bad thing for blood. Always had to have an extra nurse when you were getting your blood taken because you fainted again.

"Sorry." I started to get up from my laid back position when Adam spoke up,

"Kid, you can't get up now. You just fainted on me. Can I get you some water or some food? Have you eaten today?"

The last time you've eaten was a croissant and a cup of coffee from your shift.

"I ate this morning, I'm okay really. This fainting happens all the time."

Adam pinched his temple and looked back at me with an annoyed look.

"You have to take care of yourself. What if you faint again and I'm not there?"

He sighed and walked back towards his small kitchen and mumbled, "I'm making you a sandwich."

A sandwich did seem nice. I laid back on his couch with the cool compress pressed against my forehead.

You started to drift off again until you heard knocking at the door.


I sat up in bewilderment as Adam came over with your sandwich on a plate. I mouthed a 'thank you' and he acknowledged it with nod and then went towards the door.

"Adam I want to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"I think you're being a little dramatic."

"Really Hannah? You're lecturing me about being dramatic? Your the most dramatic person I know! Along with not knowing what the fuck you want! I'm not a fucking weatherman Hannah. How am I supposed to decipher what mood your in?"

"Adam, what does weather have to do with anything?"


I jumped hearing Adam yell, his booming voice almost made it seem like the walls were shaking. I wonder what they were arguing about. Trouble in paradise maybe? Fuck my curious nature.

"We'll talk about it. Just let me come inside."

"No Hannah. You can't just come unannounced."

"Since when did you care?"

"Hannah I'm seriou-."

Hannah was suddenly standing right in front of me with a pissy look on her face and her arms crossed.

She had a round face with average features, nothing stood out.

"Who the hell is this? Are you sleeping with her too?"

"None of your goddamn business Hannah. I can sleep with whoever the fuck I want. We're not together anymore. Haven't you realized that?"

Hannah went back to the door, "You're such a pig Adam."

"Fuck you Hannah."

I jumped hearing the door slam and Adam stalled back to the couch and put his head in his hands. 

As if a lightbulb appeared, I then realized who the trouble was in the relationship, Hannah.

I decided to stay silent and not open my mouth in fear of what could come out. Sometimes I would say things I didn't mean. Well, not sometimes, all the time. It was in my nature.

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